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I fail to see what Rangers are doing wrong. If they are selling kids at a price and Rangers are paying it, like any transaction, both parties get what they want.


There is no guarantee any of these kids will make it, which is reflected in the lower price than for established players.


I fail to see what the problem is.

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The problem was both of the Old Firm refused to increasethe payements that other clubs would recieve for their young players if we signed them . Now that in itself is only a small part of the whole ridiculous system , but what was and in some cases is still happening is that if club A wants to sign a goalie for example, they are actually signing the whole team and then a few weeks later releasing the remainder of the team/squad . This in turn was leaving young players without clubs as they were being released after the league's had began and the teams couldn't get re-registered .


It sounds and it is crazy but that is what was happening , I have to say dundee Utd were amongst the worst . At slightly older ages the compensation was meant to be about �£40,000 approx , but I cant remember if that was actually ratified

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I fail to see what the problem is.


There isn't a problem. Thompson is probably struggling to put together some funds for Houston and he's started clutching at straws.

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