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Because I definitely don't have an exam in a few days, am not in denial, and undoubtedly have time to daydream, I've been sitting imagining the following:


The year is 2090. Because of global warming Scotland stands at the pinacle of world football, and the most glorious team in the world, the famous Glasgow Rangers, are being bought over. It had been some time since it last happened. I was nervous, because I felt the fans weren't going to be involved at any level. I thought "I remember that quaint post-conversation type of interaction they used to have... what was it called... ah yes, the internet". I thought I'd have The Great Xsa�£WsSWs"�£"! transmit an internet into my brain, and look up all the old diehards on the forums and see how they deal with it. What I discovered was not what I had imagined of these lions of the past. Instead of great leaders, undone by circumstance, I found slander, gossip, rumour and division. I looked hard, because I couldn't believe it, for some great cause for this division - a noble thing, like the World Wars, that justified misinformation and propoganda, some great end, some great good. But there was none. They had absolutely zero money, and, thus in the old 'monetary' system of the early 2000s, zero power, and so their only, only, only option was a grand act of unity. Their divisions were about what? Ultimately, the manner in which they expressed their utter impotence. Some expressed their impotence by division over who knew what before it happened, and who backed the right and wrong horses and who said what with what motives, and the greatest gain of this division was felt precisely by every single person who actually had money and power and who could be moderated or petititioned by the fans if they weren't so busy fighting over the dreggs they fed them. In the end, it seems, the Rangers fans sold each other out to get their own organisations ahead, and spent the next 80 years moaning that they still, nearly a century on, had no say in the club.


Tin hat time :D

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I've never seen any of the recent ones...


I feel great - especially if you and Bluedell are fans! :flipa:


I must say, Frankie, I didn't know this. This changes things. I knew you were big on the trivial things like family, and work and football, but not at expense of the more important things like contemporary Dr. Who. BD and I are going to have to discuss if one with such skewed priorities ought to be heid admin.


Seriously, though, watch it! It's great!

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Honestly don't fancy it mate. But I guess I'll pick up Series 1 of the reboot and take it from there once I trawl through my existing back catalogue. With Lost, 24, Flash Forward and Fringe all finished recently, I do need some new material!

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