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Your Civil rights under the EU.

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Rangers have been allocated 4,700 tickets for the match on 14 September, and the club has said only travel club members can apply. They will have to travel on official coaches, which will only stop at Wigan Athletic's ground for "catering and rest facilities" on the journey to Manchester.




Tickets for the match will be allocated by Rangers officials during the coach transfer from Wigan, forcing those who wish to attend the game to co-operate with the herding plan. They will then be taken the 16 miles to Old Trafford in a convoy of buses with a police escort.


Rangers have been represented in the drawing up of these measures, following a series of meetings involving both clubs, Strathclyde police and supporters' group representatives. The Ibrox club has also strongly advised supporters who are not allocated a ticket not to travel. The plan is to ensure as few Rangers fans as possible visit Manchester city centre, where there was rioting two years ago when a large television screen failed and prevented many of the estimated 150,000 fans who descended on the city from seeing the match.





They can't stop anyone from travelling, those who agree to the impositions put upon them by the measures taken, are also free to do so. The stance taken and the clear division that only travel club members can apply.......clearly discriminates against the vast majority of Rangers supporters....just another example of fans being treated like shit by many clubs and authorities.



As I said before the easiest solution would have been for the fans en masse to tell them to poke it,... another chance for Rangers bodies and fans to unite with the good of the fans and the club at the forefront....very sadly another opportunity lost on the altar of me first and decisions being taken for the majority of fans by representatives of minority groups.



The game should be beamed back to Ibrox, at least our own club would get any money going, and not manc mhanks, who so obviously see us as the lowest of the low.

Edited by wabashcannonball
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I thought a vast majority of european games were only for travel club members these days? As for the convoy, again that tends to happen in a majority of European away games, in my experience.


I just fail to see anything that affects our civil rights.


On the travel club, they never had it when I did my travelling abroad, and I'm not keen on it, but it's not something I can get too excited about as it brings in more cash to the club, and allows them proper control over who gets the tickets.


As for the beamback idea, would people attend these days, rather than watching it in the comfort of their own homes or in the pub? I'm not so sure. They would obviously need to get the screens working properly first as well, which they say they are not going to do. :(

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I thought a vast majority of european games were only for travel club members these days? As for the convoy, again that tends to happen in a majority of European away games, in my experience.


I just fail to see anything that affects our civil rights.


On the travel club, they never had it when I did my travelling abroad, and I'm not keen on it, but it's not something I can get too excited about as it brings in more cash to the club, and allows them proper control over who gets the tickets.


As for the beamback idea, would people attend these days, rather than watching it in the comfort of their own homes or in the pub? I'm not so sure. They would obviously need to get the screens working properly first as well, which they say they are not going to do. :(



You are most probably correct Bludell, for any challenge to prevail the will must exist to mount the challenge, sadly our support appears to accept everything thrown at them.

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They seem to to see this as the same scenario as a UEFA final with 150,000 fans without tickets arriving, being highly provoked and badly taken care of, drinking all day, and then the authorities setting the touch paper by switch the screen off at kick-off time, followed by massive escalation by heavy handed policing.


Could they be more stupid?


The way I see it, herding of reasonable and well behaved supporters can only wind them up and make good people become angry and frustrated, which when met with heavy handedness, can result in trouble.


We're in a no-win situation here, if the fans are highly provoked and minor infractions dealt with SS style then we'll get all the blame and labelled uncontrollable. If the fans behave impeccably, the police will get the credit and the fans get the reputation that they need this kind of treatment to keep them under control.


Since before the UEFA final final, we've been totally stitched up.

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I agree with calscot, no matter happens its really a lose lose situation. We aren't going to praise for being well behaved and if there is a tiny instance of unrest then we will get slammed. :(


It has been this way for almost a decade now, since Timmy started upping the stakes regarding getting us punished off the field for singing, behaviour, etc etc whilst being at the centre of most of the unpleasant stuff that goes on themselves, but being untouchable for it at the same time.

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