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What's the bigger crime?

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What's the bigger crime? Drink driving and putting people's lives at risk or telling a white lie to a manager after a game has finished?


What's the bigger crime? Drink driving and putting people's lives at risk or forwarding an email?


Who should lose their job? You decide.


CELTIC coach Alan Thompson appeared in court yesterday charged with drink-driving the day after an Old Firm match.


The 36-year-old is alleged to have been one-and-a-half times the drink-drive limit when he was stopped by police on October 25 this year.


The former midfielder was also alleged to have been using his mobile phone when he was pulled over in Bishopbriggs, near to Celtic's training ground.


He appeared at Glasgow district court and the case was continued without plea until next month.


Celtic were beaten 3-1 in the Old Fi rm clash on October 24.



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Charged with drink driving and he was cited to attend the district court? :confused:


If you're charged with drink driving the case is heard in front of a Sheriff not a Justice of the Peace who preside at district courts.

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Noel Lemmon will be writing to Strathclyde Police, seeking clarification?


Oh, and remember during the close season in Lurgan at the meeting of Irish Sellik supporters' clubs, both Lawwell and Lemmon participated in a Q and A. Lemmon was asked why he removed Wullie McStay from the club after 3 decades of service and replaced him with Thompson? Lemmon's answer played to the gallery and he was cheered to the echo, "I think Alan Thompson is the bigger H-nskelper".

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Noel Lemmon will be writing to Strathclyde Police, seeking clarification?


Oh, and remember during the close season in Lurgan at the meeting of Irish Sellik supporters' clubs, both Lawwell and Lemmon participated in a Q and A. Lemmon was asked why he removed Wullie McStay from the club after 3 decades of service and replaced him with Thompson? Lemmon's answer played to the gallery and he was cheered to the echo, "I think Alan Thompson is the bigger H-nskelper".


Shows what little class they have, if they ever had any. Devoid of logic.

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Sounds about right for Lennon. Brought in for non-footballing reasons.


Good. Does nothing but help us retain the title. When the chips are down and it starts to get ugly I can see him completely losing it (he has been close enough already) - whilst Walter will remain as calm as ever and have his troops fighting the corner.


Had we picked up home wins against Hibs and ICT the writing would already be on the wall for him... or would it given he is "celtic-minded" ?

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