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Club Statement On Singing (yes, another one)

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Fri 26 Nov 2010

Club Statement On Singing


RANGERS Football Club today repeated its warning to supporters not to engage in any sectarian singing at its fixtures.


The club is at serious risk of punishment by footballing authorities if sectarian behavior is in evidence among its fans.


This includes the singing of songs such as the Billy Boys, which is banned by UEFA, and the Famine Song, which has led to people being arrested and convicted in the past.


Ahead of this Sunday's match against Dundee United at Tannadice, Tayside Police has confirmed it plans to take a zero tolerance approach to sectarian behaviour.


Rangers Head of Safety and Security, David Martin, said: "Our fans created a magnificent atmosphere at Ibrox on Wednesday night and we want that to continue in our domestic matches.


"As Martin Bain said earlier this week, the majority of our supporters agree there is no place at Rangers for sectarian singing and the fans and the club have made great strides in recent years to address this behaviour.


"Unfortunately, we still have an element of the support who insist on singing offensive songs, particularly at domestic away matches in the SPL.


"For the avoidance of doubt, the club is at risk of punishment at ALL matches, domestic and European, and fans risk arrest if they participate in sectarian singing.


"Fans who engage in such behaviour only let themselves, other supporters and the club down.


"Problematic behaviour by supporters at away matches is not unique to Rangers but as a club, we are determined to tackle this issue."


Superintendent Kevin Lynch, from Tayside Police and Tannadice Match Commander, said: "We look forward to welcoming Rangers and their supporters to Tannadice on Sunday.


"I would remind fans that sectarian and racist behaviour are criminal matters and will not be tolerated in or around the stadium.


"My officers have been instructed to deal robustly with anyone engaging in such behaviour.


"In recent times these games have been memorable for all the right reasons and I am confident Sunday will be no different."


Anyone who witnesses sectarian singing should advise a steward or police officer or call the hotline at Rangers Football Club on 0871 702 1972. Alternatively text 'RFC' and relevant details to 66099.


Regarding the bit in bold at the bottom - Those phone and text hotlines will be hoaching with demented bheasts.




Edited by Zappa
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Why doesn't the club just release a press statement confessing to more than a century of antisocial crime and announce that they are winding up the club's affairs, resigning from the SPL and advising all supporters to convert to Catholicism pro tem. Spineless bastards.

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Why doesn't the club just release a press statement confessing to more than a century of antisocial crime and announce that they are winding up the club's affairs, resigning from the SPL and advising all supporters to convert to Catholicism pro tem. Spineless bastards.


What about forgetting the sarcasm and coming up with a serious suggestion as to what exactly the club should do if they feel the club is being sufficiently threatened that it needs to take measures to cover it's back? Obviously I'm assuming here that this is the situation and I mentioned it on the other club statement thread, but nobody responded to my point. So, could I be right or close to hitting the mark? Is the club under pressure on this issue and being forced into covering it's back? It's a pretty serious issue I'm sure you'll agree, so what about a serious discussion?

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What about forgetting the sarcasm and coming up with a serious suggestion as to what exactly the club should do if they feel the club is being sufficiently threatened that it needs to take measures to cover it's back? Obviously I'm assuming here that this is the situation and I mentioned it on the other club statement thread, but nobody responded to my point. So, could I be right or close to hitting the mark? Is the club under pressure on this issue and being forced into covering it's back? It's a pretty serious issue I'm sure you'll agree, so what about a serious discussion?

Could it be no one responded to your point because it isn't nearly as insightful as you obviously think? Of course the club is being put under pressure, surely that's a given. The real issue is how should the club deal with that pressure and spinelessly accepting the basis of these accusations is unlikely to be particularly productive. Instead of worrying about sarcasm, perhaps you should reflect upon the primary responsibility of our over-paid CEO, which I assume is not to endorse the basis of every sectarian-driven criticism levelled at Rangers. Bain is a weak man, an implementer where a leader is required. Since you're so in need of serious suggestion, I'll give you one ...... fight back against our detractors and expose their deceit.

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Making this kind of statement would be fine..... IF it were the case that the club were simultaneously embarking on just what maineflyer says - hitting back at the detractors and exposing their lies.


Sadly it appears, as it does all too often, that the club are simply doing the former which is covering its own back.


They should be doing both. Cover your back with this statement whilst, at the same time set about the expose - but we (the club's executive management) just dont have the smarts to do this.

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Making this kind of statement would be fine..... IF it were the case that the club were simultaneously embarking on just what maineflyer says - hitting back at the detractors and exposing their lies.


Sadly it appears, as it does all too often, that the club are simply doing the former which is covering its own back.


They should be doing both. Cover your back with this statement whilst, at the same time set about the expose - but we (the club's executive management) just dont have the smarts to do this.

Well said Craig, that is EXACTLY the point.

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