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Laudrup gets all-clear on cancer

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RANGERS legend Brian Laudrup was celebrating last night after being given the all-clear in his cancer battle.


The former Ibrox winger, 41, had been receiving treatment in his native Denmark since being diagnosed with a form of lymphoma in September.


But this week medics told the dad-of-two that tests show he no longer has the disease.


Last night Laudrup was resting at home with wife Mette, 46, son Nicolai, 21, and daughter Rasmina, 17.


Three months ago we told how the Gers hero had vowed to beat his cancer after being "shocked" by the original diagnosis.


It's believed that the star, now working as a football pundit in Denmark, was given the good news on Monday. But last night Laudrup stuck to his vow not to discuss his health fight.


He told us: "When I came out with this I said that I was not going to give any further explanation.


"Maybe in the future I will speak about it - but not right now."


News the "Great Dane" has beaten cancer was welcomed by his many friends in Scotland.


Scottish Sun columnist Andy Goram, 46, said he was thrilled by his former teammate's recovery.


The ex-Rangers and Scotland goalie said last night: "This is the best Christmas present I could wish for - it's great news.


"Brian was always a fighter, so I knew he could beat this. And that's exactly what he's done. We've remained close friends and I've been in contact with him about this. I'm glad to say he's sounding great."


Goram added: "Everyone at Rangers, and indeed in Scottish football as a whole, was pulling for him.


"I know how touched Brian has been by the thousands of messages of support he's received."


Laudrup played 150 games for Rangers between 1994 and 1998.


He scored 45 goals - including the winner against Dundee United in 1997 that clinched the Ibrox side's ninth league title in a row. He was named the Scottish Sportwriters' Player of the Year in 1995.


He won 82 caps for Denmark and helped them win the 1992 Euro Championships. Laudrup also played for Fiorentina, Bayern Munich, Chelsea and Ajax.


Ex-Celtic boss Martin O'Neill's wife Geraldine, 55, has also been treated successfully for lymphoma.



Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3259781/Brian-Laudrup-gets-all-clear-on-cancer.html#ixzz1781AFkSG

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I hate to be so negative on this but as for beating the illness we will only know years down the line it is far too early to be sure he is totally cured. I have had family and a friend who have fought the illness and been told they were clean only to be devastated with bad news a few months down the line.

I do pray it is true though.

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The writer Paul Thornton just couldn't help himself including the bit about O'Neill's wife at the end of the article. He writes gutter press articles on a wide range of subjects, but seems to write more articles about sex abuse than anything else. Maybe he was abused as a bhoy.

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I hate to be so negative on this but as for beating the illness we will only know years down the line it is far too early to be sure he is totally cured. I have had family and a friend who have fought the illness and been told they were clean only to be devastated with bad news a few months down the line.

I do pray it is true though.


Agree with your thoughts it is the one thing that focuses us all on dying.

And I concur I do pray that he has beaten this.

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