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Diouf: Lennon�s no racist

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RANGERS striker El Hadji Diouf last night defended Celtic boss Neil Lennon - and insisted: "He's no racist."


Diouf insisted he WON'T make a complaint to cops about Lennon - because he believes "what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch".


Police have launched an investigation into claims Lennon called the striker a f****** n***** during the fiery Old Firm Scottish Cup clash last week.


But last night sources close to Diouf, 30, insisted it is "nonsense" to say Lennon made the vile racist comment.


An insider said: "El Hadji Diouf won't be making any complaints to the police. He isn't interested.


"As far as El Hadji is concerned what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch. It is a high-intensity atmosphere and it is finished.


"It is nonsense to think that Neil Lennon said what is being reported. Trying to make out Lennon is racist is a lot of rubbish."


On-loan Blackburn ace Diouf's agent Willie McKay said: "The only thing he is concentrating on is playing for Rangers and winning a contract."


Cops were hit with around 200 complaints from fans.


It's thought they were based on a YouTube clip showing the 39-year-old Hoops boss and the Senegalese striker exchanging angry words in the first half.


It's believed cops will speak to Lennon over the next few days.


Top QC Paul McBride, who's been instructed by Celtic to represent their manager, said the allegations of a racist tirade "are defamatory and outrageous with no substance whatsoever".


We told on Saturday how Lennon is on the verge of quitting after being targeted in a bomb scare.


He took his seat in the stand for Saturday's victory over Hamilton Accies.


Wife Irene, 34, and the couple's five-year-old son Gallagher also attended despite claims they were staying in a safe house under 24-hour guard.


Lennon and Rangers assistant boss Ally McCoist were blasted by footy chiefs, top cops and First Minister Alex Salmond last week for squaring up to each other after the final whistle of Celtic's 1-0 win at Parkhead.


Yesterday, Church of Scotland head the Right Reverend John Christie waded into the storm.


He said: "There can be no excuse for highly-paid professionals behaving in a manner which could inflame an already heated atmosphere."


Mr Salmond will hold a crisis summit at Hampden with Celtic and Rangers chiefs and police tomorrow.


A Strathclyde Police spokesman said they "received complaints from members of the public". He added: "We are investigating."


Neither Celtic, Rangers nor Diouf have been contacted by cops.


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3450848/El-Hadji-Diouf-Neil-Lennons-no-racist.html#ixzz1Fu3Swloc

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RANGERS striker El Hadji Diouf spoke yesterday of his respect for Neil Lennon and said: "He is not a racist."

The on-loan star attempted to defuse the growing row over his clash with the Celtic boss in last week's ill-tempered Old Firm match. Police are investigating a number of complaints from Rangers fans who claim Lennon used a vile racial taunt - which he vehemently denies.

But Diouf himself has insisted he wiill not be complaining to police about any racism allegations.

He said: "Neil Lennon is a nice guy and I do not believe he racially abused me.

"Neil Lennon is not a racist and I have every respect for him as a manager."

Diouf spoke out in the run-up to tomorrow's Edinburgh Old Firm summit hosted by First Minister Alex Salmond.

Meanwhile, Diouf's agent Willie McKay revealed the Celtic boss and the Rangers striker have a mutual friend in former Lens, Leicester and Liverpool goalkeeper Pegguy Arphexad.

The agent added: "El Hadji is also great friends with one of Lennon's former Leicester team-ma t e s , Pegguy Arphexad, who he played with at Racing Club Lens.

"If people are trying to put the boot into Neil Lennon, he is not interested.

"He would never make a complaint. As far as he is concerned it is finished with.


"It is a big thing about nothing. The only thing El Hadji wants to do is sign a new contract with Rangers."

Lennon's lawyer Paul McBride QC yesterday said the racism allegations against the Celtic boss were "defamatory and outrageous with no substance whatsoever".

Meanwhile, it emerged cops may enter Old Firm dressing rooms before future derbies to warn players and managers about their conduct.

The move will be one of the radical proposals on the table at tomorrow's crisis summit.

Salmond, top cops and football power-brokers will also discuss moving the volatile fixture from the weekend to a weekday to reduce the level of drink-fuelled violence.

Last Wednesday, three Rangers players were sent off and 10 players in total were booked during the Scottish Cup fifth round replay.

Cops made 34 arrests at the game - 20 for sectarian breach of the peace - and 187 people were arrested across the Strathclyde force area.

Former first minister Henry McLeish yesterday called on the Old Firm to "get their house in order" or face tough sanctions.

McLeish, the author of a recent report on the future of the Scottish game, spoke out after both clubs issued defensive statements suggesting they were less to blame for the ugly scenes at Celtic Park.

Calling for a "new agenda" from the clubs, he said: "This is the best way forward - because my fears is that draconian measures are on the sidelines and they could be deployed quite soon."

McLeish , a former footballer, declined to go into detail about possible penalties.

But TV blackouts, Scotland-wide alcohol bans and even banning matches between the clubs have been suggested.

McLeish added: "Scots Tory leader Annabel Goldie was right when she said it was about Scotland's international image abroad.

"But taxpayers are also paying for policing, we are picking up the pieces for the excesses of violence.

"Scotland is saying, enough is enough."

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It's always possible a deal has been done in the background and this is the quid pro quo.


8 Mar 2011


HERALD Sport understands that neither El-Hadji Diouf nor Madjid Bougherra have been reported to the Scottish Football Association for misconduct following their red cards in the ill-tempered Scottish Cup tie against Celtic.


Bougherra, who has since apologised for his actions, was seen to hold down Calum Murray’s hand as the referee administered his second yellow card to the Algerian.


Diouf also received a second caution after the final whistle before ignoring the pleas of stewards and police to throw his shirt into the away end in an apparent act of defiance.


Some reports have suggested Diouf had been issued with a second red card for his after-match antics and that further punishment was likely for the striker and Bougherra after Murray made reference to the incidents in his report to the SFA.


But it appears that, with Murray reporting “no additional misconduct” in his paperwork, the referee, at least, is content that both players were dealt with sufficiently at the time.


Neil Lennon, the Celtic manager, and Rangers assistant manager Ally McCoist, meanwhile, are to be given touchline bans following their confrontation at the end of the match.


The pair have both been reported to the SFA by fourth official Iain Brines.


With the incident occurring after full-time, both will be dealt with automatically as they would have been had they been sent to the stand during the game.


As a result, Lennon, who began a four-match dugout suspension at the weekend, is now in line to receive a further four-match censure for his second offence, while McCoist faces a two-game penalty as a first offender.



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