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Good stuff! With this news and Hemmings having signed a new deal at the same time as Cole did before xmas as well as us signing some other promising youths from Sweden, France & elsewhere, things are looking pretty bright for the younger players.

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great news.


IMO he will go on to be a superb player. sticking my neck out a wee bit, but I think he will prove to be the best of our young players.


A player who genuinely excites me - and I don't say that very often !!

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Brilliant news!

We reallly need to get these young guys (Hutton, Ness, Wylde, Hemmings and Cole) playing as much as possible, as I think they are good enough to be mainstays in our team in the future. They can't be any worse than the sh*t we keep buying surely!

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Brilliant news!

We reallly need to get these young guys (Hutton, Ness, Wylde, Hemmings and Cole) playing as much as possible, as I think they are good enough to be mainstays in our team in the future. They can't be any worse than the sh*t we keep buying surely!


You really think some raw 18 year olds MUST be better than the shit that we've been buying who've won 6 trophies in 3 seasons, been cheated out of another championship and reached a UEFA cup final? Are you sure you're not mistaking this for the Berwick Rangers forum?


I really hope the youngsters develop well and eventually become first choices - but to think they will automatically become the BEST players in the country overnight is pretty wishful thinking. Do people now have some huge resentment for anyone over 20 years old?


I think it's pretty obvious that if the under 19 team were a lot better than a first team who can still go top of the league, then that's the team that would be played. However, there's an obvious reason they mostly play in the under 19 league.


An average youngster in our youth teams will grow up to play for the likes of East Fife; if they are lucky they might end up in an SPL team. Only the cream of the very best cream will really be good enough to be a first choice for Rangers - and even then they will have to serve an apprenticeship.

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From what we've seen so far, the youngsters who have come into the team have looked very good.


IMO what they have in common is that they have good touch, composure, control and can see a pass. They all seem to have good football brains. IMO several of them are better than those currently holding down regular first team places.


The quality of football technique they all posess is very encouraging - and has surprised me.


For example, I would have absolutely no hesitation in having Ness and Hutton as our CM pairing from next season - and I'd have Wylde on the left.

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I think they need eased into those roles and with Weiss and Bartley already in the team, I would be wary of having too much inexperience in the team. Players can look pretty good when surrounded by older heads leading them along but put in a bunch and they can struggle to cope with the many different aspects of the game. You just have to look at Feyenoord for an example.


Hibs recently had probably the best young team for a long time in Scottish football - most of them went on to play for bigger clubs including the OF and EPL teams. Caldwell, Brown, Murray, Whittaker, Thomson, Riordan, O'Connon, Fletcher, etc. However, they won nothing.


Under Alex Ferguson, Aberdeen had an amazing, young team who played every week and won lots. However few of them went on to have long, successful careers - even Fergie himself said that many of them burn out due to being over played.


I'd like really to see Ness and Hutton work their way into the first team in the next few seasons but I'm more interested in success for Rangers, whoever pull on the shirts, than just developing youth.


If they are ready to play for the team now (and they look like they are) they will get their chance - and indeed Ness has had a good run of games. However, for someone (not you) to say all our established players are shit even though they are double Champions and competing passably well for this championship, despite a very small squad, and expecting young players to automatically step in and be much better than the best in the country, is just naive or disingenuous.

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calscot. agree with what you're saying.


we have won the league for past two years, whish has been great - but we need to be looking to improve year on year where possible. To be brutally honest, some of the football has been dire at times. For me, far too many of our players are failing to do the basics well enough. So when I see a player like Hutton, for example, and see that he has a great first touch, controls the ball very well and has great composure - something majority of first team lack - then feel very encouraged.


Hutton does not seem phased by anything - and I feel has has great awareness on the pitch. his technique is superb and he has many things in his game that several regulars don't have.


over the years I've seen countless young players look 'promising' at a young age, but they have never gone on to develop their 'potential'.


This is the first time in years that I have seen a crop of players who i genuinely believe can make it - and make it big. By just seeing a player a few times, you can tell alot about their talent. Touch, composure, control, body shaping, awareness - these things all stand out and separate the quailty players from the run of the mill ones. I believe we really have a crop of genuine ones at the moment - and i rarely, if ever, feel like this.

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