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Press Release from meeting of Rangers Supporters Clubs

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There was a meeting held on Sunday 1st May at Ibrox of over 150 supporters representing over 80 Rangers Supporters Clubs from all over the world, plus board members of The Rangers Assembly, The Rangers Supporters Trust, and The Rangers Supporters Association, and also representatives of The Blue Order, several fans forums, and the Rangers fans liaison officer Jim Hannah.


There were discussions regarding the sectarian singing problem amongst a minority of supporters at our games and how we can try to eradicate this by more stringent self-policing and making the offending supporters know that this is unacceptable at our club, and that we want to promote a more positive image and atmosphere at our matches.


It was agreed that any songs with references to Sectarian chanting as outlined by the Police and the Courts must go now and remain gone. We accepted that there is still a problem amongst a minority of our support, and while we are certainly not the only club with an offensive singing problem, we are the only ones being highlighted at present and whilst we need to clean up our own act we insist all supports must be treated the same.


It was also discussed and agreed that we need to be far more resourceful in presenting a fairer portrayal of Rangers and Rangers fans in the media, and while it is clear that there is an agenda against us and us alone, but we have not done anything about it for far too long. To this regard we have already had meetings with prominent officials from Strathclyde Police and experts in professional fields relevant to us to assist us with our intentions to create a more level playing field within the law for Rangers supporters. The time for this sleeping giant of a support to sit idly by while our enemies politicise everything we do without fear of being challenged or reciprocal action being taken is over.


The message from the representatives at the meeting was unanimously supportive, and we are confident that these messages can be taken back to the Supporters Clubs worldwide, and amongst the Supporters groups and forums, and that we can unite as one to try to eradicate the minority who persist in sectarian and offensive singing, but also challenge and expect all other club�s supporters to do the same, and we will ask the Police and the Procurator Fiscal to be vigilant with Sectarian and offensive singing from all clubs to help us to help them create an atmosphere and society where we can all freely enjoy going to the football without prejudice.

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I expected a bit more to be honest. Hopefully this is just the start.


Yes. We as a support need to be more proactive and active and hopefully that message will start to filter through.

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It is an acknowledgement by the club that there is in fact individuals within the media and other parties that have no other agenda than to damage the image and reputation of rangers football club and its fans.


It will be very difficult to combat but at least it is a start and hopefully we will come out fighting .

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At the meeting those at the top table revealed that the match commander at Ibrox Andrew Bates said specifically that any reference to "fenians" or the pope are illegal. I expected any press release to state this specifically.


What we are left with now are half the support thinking its ok to sing "Super Rangers" while others will think its not. We as a support need to specify what we must sing as nobody at Rangers or the SFA or UEFA or the Police are going to do it for us.


It's also ridiculous that UEFA haven't yet told Rangers specifically what we have been banned for. If its a term or a word then say so.


Until we get clarity and specifics this debate will not go away.

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A very poor statement in my view (written perhaps by my successor as Secretary of RST?) and if it accurately reflects what was said then I agree wholeheartedly with #5: the statement should have clearly stated what is and what is not permitted.


The attempt to deflect blame on to supporters of other clubs takes up as much if not more space than condemnation of the "minority of (our) supporters " who sing sectarian or otherwise illegal songs.


People in glass houses comes to mind.


When will those who think this way realise that like any other wrongdoers there is no point in saying why aren't you catching the other criminals it's Rangers fans who are in the dock and need to reform their behaviour, what other people do is nothing to do with it.

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When will those who think this way realise that like any other wrongdoers there is no point in saying why aren't you catching the other criminals it's Rangers fans who are in the dock and need to reform their behaviour, what other people do is nothing to do with it.


It kind of is. Why are other clubs getting away with the kind of behaviour we're being sanctioned for? Celtic's glorification of terrorism is being completely ignored - all because someone high up decided sectarianism was to be the crime clamped down on.


Why couldn't 'offensive singing' in general rather than specific *kinds* be the criteria?


It's like 3 people commit 3 different crimes and only one gets convicted because PC Plod decides to focus on one. Meaning 2 other wrongdoers continue on with their crimes, safe in the knowledge they won't be reprimanded.

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It's like 3 people commit 3 different crimes and only one gets convicted because PC Plod decides to focus on one. Meaning 2 other wrongdoers continue on with their crimes, safe in the knowledge they won't be reprimanded.


I accept that Danny but my point is that the one who gets convicted still has to do time and will get a longer sentence next time for a repeat offence, regardless of whether or not the other two are apprehended never mind convicted.


If you rob a bank and get caught, there's not much point in saying that other people are doing it to and not getting caught, you wouldn't have been caught if you hadn't done it, regardless of what anyone else does.


I know this won't be a popular view!

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A very poor statement in my view (written perhaps by my successor as Secretary of RST?)


I doubt it. It's not an RST statement. Probably produced by the guys from the Nithsdale.

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I doubt it. It's not an RST statement. Probably produced by the guys from the Nithsdale.


The Nithsdale RSC chaired the meeting so I'd agree the statement was produced by the Nithsdale with the general backing of the other groups.

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