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Whyte's blue-print for Rangers - Seven days and counting

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They can but try, but any meeting is in Craig Whyte's gift not theirs.


That's fair enough but I'd have thought it was in Whyte's interests to meet quickly with the support to outline his plans (in a general sense obviously).


I wonder how season ticket renewals went. Possibly pretty good given the title win and takeover so will be extremely interesting to see how the fan-owner relationship develops.

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Frankie, while the sentiments behind the OP are not difficult to understand, there is perhaps an equally valid perspective that casts doubt on the likelihood of any meaningful outcome from consultation between club and support. For my part, I can see nothing in the last (say) five years that suggests the support is capable of anything but division and isolation. Of course, I'm referring to 'supporters organisations' if that term isn't in itself an inherent contradiction, rather than individual fans, many of whom are clearly able and willing to contribute to a closer and constructive alliance with the club. However, if I was Craig Whyte I would be very reluctant to deal with the support in its current guise. I would want significant structural changes before I'd be encouraged to pursue any significant engagement with the support. Rather than chivvying Whyte to open up to us, perhaps we need to be using the time to address our own very obvious disorganisation.

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All valid points MF and I'd certainly agree the Assembly - as our official organisation - needs improvement.


Obviously that would take time though and I'd much prefer to hear from the new owner in the interim. It will also be interesting to see how Whyte approaches the AGM later in the year. I'm sure McLelland will be keen to recommend the current format.

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We all know it needs root and branch change and Whyte should be dictating that change in order to ensure it happens, perhaps with appropriate 'sweeteners' for a successful outcome. This is the time to do it and it's as much in the club's interest as ours that it's done properly and with sufficient consent on all sides. Whether he does it or not will tell us plenty but I believe anything else will leave us in the pointless mire we've been in for years.

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I have never really got the point in all this fans need to talk to whatever owner we have. Couple of reason are that fans will never think like an owner, they just want money money money spent on the team. Also, who do these fans groups represent? A hand full of people in terms of the full Rangers support. An owner will always do what they want, we just have to hope it's in the best interest of Rangers.

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