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Arsenal ready �£12m bid for proven stopper

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McGregor may be "not for sale" but that old footballing cliche would most definitely be tested with a formal bid of this magnitude. Never say never in football.


We will have to agree to disagree on Alexander.

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McGregor may be "not for sale" but that old footballing cliche would most definitely be tested with a formal bid of this magnitude. Never say never in football.


I know, that's why this bid worried me. If it happens.


We will have to agree to disagree on Alexander.


Wouldn't it be better if...you know, you, like, just agreed with me?

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I will be totally honest Cal I remembered that from a post by you a number of years ago so I stole your thunder. For that I apologise.


No need to apologise, I've no monopoly on that thinking. It is one of those sayings I find quite funny in football and can't resist this type of post. The irony was usually that a player's weight used to be worth about �£0.5M in gold which was often less than the transfer fee. With the price of gold meaning a value of �£2.5-3.0M, most of our players are now not worth that amount. Alan is a rare exception these days.

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