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Tax Case Possible new developments

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Lifted this from FF


Absolute dynamite story written by Darrell King.


Headline in Herald: Rangers call in lawyers over HMRC 'leak'

Headline in Times: Rangers: We'll sue taxman. Whyte to call in cops over 'tape'


Info so precise it must have come direct from the top at the club.


To summise


* Rangers have obtained evidence that a Scottish newspaper has a recorded conversation of an HMRC official passing on details of the sheriffs officers visit and other confidential info


* They are talking to the police as a criminal act may have occured, due to the rules that govern HMRC workers


* Rangers ready to sue HMRC as the leaks damaged the business, credit rating, ability to trade etc..


* Whyte agreed to pay �£2.8m bill - then a 65 per cent penalty was added, ie another �£1.8m. He is vigorously disputing this.


* Club has been subjected to three PAYE inspections in last three months, when normal pratice is one in five years at any company.


* Sheriff officers served a bill saying payment must be made inside 14 days - and then walked out. No evaluations etc like the media frenzy claimed.


* Club feels clear 'anti-Rangers' agenda at HMRC office and has reported this to the very highest level, and also the threat of legal action and police involvement.


* On the bigger tax bill, QC Andrew Thornhill, defending the club, remains 'very confident' Rangers will be cleared.



Someone at HMRC is in big trouble here if the police get this tape.


What has been going on here is a disgrace, and fits in with the friends of 'our man across he water' who work at HMRC and have now mysteriously disappeared off his Facebook friends list.


I hope each and every one of them gets whats coming to them


Time to go to war, Mr Whyte.

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Guest Dutchy

And if this worker turns out to be septic minded, there has to be a complete revaluation of everything that emenates from these crooks and indeed if they can be regarded as a viable and trustworthy organization within our shores.

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I heard King on Radio Clyde describing this yesterday. Seems he spoke to the club and they have fed him the information for this article. As with everything, there are 2 sides to every story so I am wary of accepting this in its entireity as gospel.

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