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why do we put defensive line-ups out against SPL dross?

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watching todays game and the games in the run-in last year it's pretty obvious that most SPL teams can't cope with Rangers when we're on the front foot and looking to go and get goals. Football players in midfield passing balls into the feet of clever strikers? It will never catch on, give me Edu and McCulloch any day. Not!:meh:

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Guest Dutchy

The rest of the SPL may well be dross as week in week out they manage to prove it, but you do get the odd result from these teams, especially as they're set up,normally to score on the break. septic on Sunday proves that and I remember we played ICT at Ibrox and were all over them, but they won 1-0. Which gives them the 3 points and defence is something we always have to be aware of, regardless of the competion.


Motherwell hadn't lost a goal before yesterdays game, which was one of the reasons they were sitting top, but we changed that with our 3 goals, and lost none in return. Hearts would probably give you a sound reason for having a good defence as well after Spurs ran wild. I don't think you can just turn it on when you meet better teams, you need to keep on practicing.

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I would accept that there are certain SPL games when a holding midfield player protecting the back four is a good idea. Most games Rangers play though don't come into that category but yes it needs to be a practiced option. What I will not accept is Rangers fielding a team with TWO defensive minded players in central midfield. It simply isn't required and we are so much better off when we don't take that negative approach.


To be honest, we shouldn't be playing that strategy in any game including Celtic away, and certainly not with the two players named above thats for sure.

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what does?


The Edu/Mculloch defensive midfield certainly doesn't work. We won the league last year by changing our defensive outlook and going out to win games.


A league season lasts 38 games. Edu and McCulloch played in the majority of games. It may not be pretty, but it's effective!

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Tell me the last time when we went out and got stuck in playing attacking football and going for the throat that we got beat in the SPL. I can't honk of one.


Advocaat (for a season and a half) and PLG were humbled excessively and repeatedly by so called SPL dross but weren't known for Wattie type tactics... With Advocaat we had the most expensive Attacking duo in Scottish history who cost about as much as our entire current squad.


Those results were honking.

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I think what people seem to forget that the SPL may be "dross" compared to the likes of the super rich EPL, but we're also in that league and constrained by the same parameters that the non-OF clubs are, albeit with greater advantages.


The cream can only rise to the top of the height of whatever portion of milk is available. They may be dross compared to the richest European teams but we've become European minnows.


Hearts losing badly to Spurs (ironically by playing attacking football and taking the game to them) is probably a similar difference in finances to Gretna vs AC Milan ten years ago. It's hardly a fair measurement.


The only way the OF compete at all in Europe as reasonably large and successful clubs is due to usurping about a third of Scottish meagre resources each. Other small countries have dominant clubs but not to the same extreme degree. That is what makes us special.

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