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A proposition - Graham Spiers just isn't that bright!

Guest John1872

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I only understood Graham Spiers after reading him on twitter. His regular baiting of Rangers fans and assuming Rangers fans all thought the same things and acted the same way disgusted me.


However, I realised that he was more petty than significant. This was no heavyweight analysis. His unthinking assumption that you could end stereotypes by creating stereotypes showed a dull mind.


He may have learned a lesson though, today he alluded to the lampooning he would do to [Rangers] fans and I think he regrets it. Not because he thinks it was wrong - more that he looks like a child.[/QUOTE]


Well that answers my question on his alleged BO, Wee Stewie Spiers just needs his Pamper changed.

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Anyone thinking that Spiers did not have both oars in the water would have had their worst fears confirmed today at the hearing re the Sectarian Bill. Dr Walton of Abertay University took ownership of Spiers. Car-crash TV. Splendid stuff.

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As an afterthought and following on from the idiotic comment of Spiers that 'some thoughts should be criminalised' what about the howler from No 1 Idiot, Galloway on Monday who said "I want to see the religious affiliations of every member of that jury" (the Wilson trial re Lemon). Honestly, the man is as stupid as he is dangerous.

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I think after his performance in the Justice committee and his obvious lack of knowledge of sectarianism in society, my initial point stands! ;)


If it's not on The Billy Boys he hasn't a clue.


Have to totally agree mate after watching that he is stupid, his total lack of knowledge about a subject he has been spouting about for years isn't just stupidity it's criminal.

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As an afterthought and following on from the idiotic comment of Spiers that 'some thoughts should be criminalised' what about the howler from No 1 Idiot, Galloway on Monday who said "I want to see the religious affiliations of every member of that jury" (the Wilson trial re Lemon). Honestly, the man is as stupid as he is dangerous.


Problem is mate theirs is the only voice that's being listened too and that is where the danger is, i really fear for this country in the next 5 years as Der Salmond goes full pelt to push through his independence this is only going to get worse and blood will eventually be spilled over absolutely nothing a crying shame.

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As an afterthought and following on from the idiotic comment of Spiers that 'some thoughts should be criminalised' what about the howler from No 1 Idiot, Galloway on Monday who said "I want to see the religious affiliations of every member of that jury" (the Wilson trial re Lemon). Honestly, the man is as stupid as he is dangerous.


The funny thing is that I just watched 'Minority Report' the other night and although I don't rate Cruise as an actor, I do like good sci-fi. This is the problem with everyone and anyone that seeks to control events, some it would appear before they've even happened. But that's been going on for years, nee, centuries.

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Problem is mate theirs is the only voice that's being listened too and that is where the danger is, i really fear for this country in the next 5 years as Der Salmond goes full pelt to push through his independence this is only going to get worse and blood will eventually be spilled over absolutely nothing a crying shame.


He has to be held to his promise of a referendum before he can do anything else. I hope that the Scottish people have the sense they were born with and reject the proposed Independence Bill. I think they will.

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I watched the committee meetings and Spiers came across just so poorly. He was thoroughly rounded on by the intelligent half of the panel, who particularly deflated the self righteous hyperbole so counterproductive to the whole debate. You could see it hurt him being labelled as illiberal - which, of course, he is. He seemed to just keep digging himself deeper into a hole with his 'thought crime' comments. Pat Nevin seemed to use the thing as a platform to publicise his personal endeavours (there are several times, it seems, he has done the hard thing, which of course makes it the right thing). The media-half of the panel really showed themselves for what they are - thoughtless dramatists who actively make money (and if their invitation their says anything), as well as win prestige from the denouncing-sectarianism industry. Their authoritarianism is astounding.


In gersnet articles we've put forward arguments very similar to the ones used by the guy at the end; it was good to see them get an official airing. I think the OP is correct - the basic lack of intelligence, or if not intelligence, reasoned insight was telling from the media side. The whole thing really posed the question: do you want composed academia or morally agitated punditry as the basis for legislation? We currently seem to have the latter, which is a damning reflection on a country that was at the heart of the Enlightenment.

Edited by bmck
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What other Country would have Football pundits influencing Legislation.


The more independence we have, the more it shows up the second rate politicians we have.


That last comment to me is even more reason to have independance, certainly more tax raising powers if not full seperation. Then we could become better at looking after ourselves. I can't understand why so many Rangers fans in particular seem intend on running scotland down.


In a democracy, everyone should have a say on how we form our laws. You too can submit your proposals.

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