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Four Dunfermline fans arrested over racist chants

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Four Dunfermline fans have been arrested over racial chanting at their team's game against Celtic in Glasgow on Wednesday night.


The men, aged 22, 20 and two 19-year-olds, were arrested in Dunfermline following a joint operation by Fife Constabulary and Strathclyde Police.


They are expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Tuesday.


The officers from Strathclyde Police were part of the newly-formed Football Co-ordination Unit for Scotland.


The four men were arrested following an incident during the game at Celtic Park, where it is alleged a small group of Dunfermline fans were involved in chanting racial comments towards the home support.


The game was won 2-1 by Celtic.

'Clear message'


Sup David Brand, a member of the new football co-ordination unit, said: "This operation again demonstrates the close working partnership between the new national unit and Scottish forces to eradicate sectarian, racial or offensive songs at football matches across Scotland.


"It also sends a clear message to offenders that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated and through post-investigations, we will attempt to identify and arrest those responsible.


"We will continue working in close liaison with our colleagues across Scotland to crack down on those minority fans that are intent in engaging in this type of behaviour."


Dunfermline Athletic FC's safety officer, Kenny Arnott, added: "We have been working with the police to stamp out this kind of behaviour, we fully support actions to prevent and detect those involved.


"Dunfermline is a family-friendly club and we welcome actions which will improve the experience for people attending football games."



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- Quite a few members don't read all the forums and only read the main Rangers one.

- It's not unusual that most people are only motivated to comment on items specifically relating to their team.

- Many posters dont comment on many/all of the topics anyway.

- There will be any number more reasons why people couldn't be bothered/didn't want to comment.

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I've been busy this week, so this is the first time I've seen this thread, not to worry, I can spew my pish now.


The only thing that seems to be getting clearer to me in the current state of politics and law is the prople in power/ownership of this country will screw everyone and anyone that does not conform to their ideals.


Long live individualism, especially the type where everyone follows the same individual route?????????????

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What worries me more is that this is a pretty high profile arrest which seems to merit no comment around here. Is that because it's only Rangers fans who are allowed to be paranoid about being targeted?


Rangers fans were paranoid because at the time it was only Rangers fans that were being targeted. It wasn't just Ibrox that was singing offensive songs, it was every stadium in the country, but it was only Ibrox that the police took action.


If these guys commited an offence then I'm glad they were arrested, it shows that the police are doing their jobs.

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Aye,for a while it was only Rangers fans being targeted,in fact I find it strange that at the piggery it was only four pars fans lifted considering the IRAoke from the home fans!. Paranoid Rangers fans?,nah I don't think so.

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Someone was saying on twitter (yesterday I think) that he'd been reliably informed that the pars fans were lifted because they had been chanting "You're in the wrong f*cking country" (or something very very close to that IIRC) in response to the groin brigade's oirish republican tune-fest. To be perfectly honest, I think if that is actually true, then it's a complete scandal that one set of fans can sing in support of Irish terrorists and the opposition fans, in this case, the pars, can't respond with what I've been led to believe they did. It's well seen that the keystone cops didn't take action at the time in Glasgow. Their must have been a wee secret confab after the match about the big bad bigots in the pars away support shouting anti-Irish sentiments and they've decided to go after them in Fife. Pro-Irish corruption in Scotland at it's finest.

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Rangers fans were paranoid because at the time it was only Rangers fans that were being targeted. It wasn't just Ibrox that was singing offensive songs, it was every stadium in the country, but it was only Ibrox that the police took action.


If these guys commited an offence then I'm glad they were arrested, it shows that the police are doing their jobs.


'At the time'? I'm talking about NOW! The only activity this thread's received is since I moaned!

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