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BBC SCOTLAND have now abandoned any pretence of being a serious, balanced, fair and professional news organisation where editorial decisions are based on news values and journalistic professionalism.


Instead, the people who make the editorial decisions now stand accused of being cowed and cowardly. No more, perhaps, than mere Celtic dupes. Useful fools, as Lenin once memorably said of western European fellow travellers.


In fact, had Celtic chief executive, Peter Lawwell drawn up the news schedule for Monday nightâ??s edition of Reporting Scotland he could not have done a better job of burying bad news for his club.


The long awaited UEFA verdict on the chanting of IRA songs at Parkkead was revealed to beâ?¦GUILTY!


The sentenceâ?¦.A FINE!


In the past when a Scottish club has found itself in similar trouble with UEFA â?? not for IRA terror songs though â?? Reporting Scotland news chiefs have hollered the television equivalent of â?¦.HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!


But not this time. This time there was one big difference in how any decision to treat this important story was taken. For this time it was not the arch villains as far as BBC Scotland news executives are concerned, Rangers, in the dock. This time it was their favoured sons, the BBC Scotland bosses favourite Bhoysâ?¦.




So this time there was no parade of talking heads. You know, the usual suspects from the usual backgrounds. An academic. Tom Devine, perhaps. Someone from some sort of ant-sectarian set up. Nil By Mouth, perhaps. And a reporter standing outside Ibrox telling everyone about the dangers Rangers would face if their big bad black hearted fans sung the wrong songs again. Chris McLaughlin, perhaps.


And all at the top of the programme. A good five minutes of the 25 minute Reporting Scotland devoted to the tale.


This time, though, it was Celtic. So no talking heads. No academic. No relative, no wife or mother of anyone slaughtered by the IRA Celtic supporters sing in adoration of.


And certainly no Chris McLaughlin standing outside Parkhead.


Instead there was not even a mention of Celticâ??s IRA singing sentence from UEFA when Reporting Scotland trailed FOUR stories as the programme began. What followed were ELEVEN stories, with not a mention of Celticâ??s IRA singing UEFA punishment.


Wow! What a busy news day it must have been in Scotland. Errâ?¦no! Not quite! One of the ELEVEN stories dealt with it being the busiest day of the year for the Royal Mail. Wow! You donâ??t say! Another, a small car crash in which only minor injuries were reported. Gee whiz!


And a third, the umpteenth story Reporting Scotland has featured in the past week about the two Chinese pandas. I donâ??t suppose so much interest would have been shown had they been teddy bears. Well, youâ??ve got to laugh.


For the journalistic decision making at the top of BBC Scotland is laughable. And seriously sinister.


When this BBC Scotland flagship programme, with an average of 750,000 viewers, finally got around to reporting on Celticâ??s IRA singing punishment from UEFA, it was NOT even the lead item on the sports news.


No, that was a two minute slot about how Dunfermline are demanding compensation from the Scottish Football Association for their costs from the match which was postponed on Saturday. The report contained a twenty second interview with Dunfermline chairman John Yorkston, plus about a minute of the interview the referee gave on Saturday and which had been broadcast on Radio Scotland more than two days before.


And finallyâ?¦..


Celtic were fined by UEFA�� And that was more or less it. Twenty seconds! Tops!


And BBC Scotland claim to be fair minded, balanced and professional. Aye, right!

Edited by Frankie
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Remember the explosive coverage Grant Adam,Rangers 3rd choice goalie,received for singing something on a night out as well?.

Biased Broadcasting Company indeed.


A Thread on FF about that it was lead story ran for about 5 mins and was followed by a murder.:bbc:

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