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Kris Boyd or Kenny Miller?

Boyd or Miller?  

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  1. 1. Boyd or Miller?

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Why? You can't deny it. So strange of a Rangers fan to grudge a Rangers player something that is hardly up for debate.


Because as a footballer player for Rangers he about as poor as we've had. I will grudgingly give him his goal scoring record but he could've been so much more if he had put the work in to improve his all round play but sadly he couldn't be arsed.


I wonder how he feels right now sitting on his arse doing nothing because the goals stop coming and he has nothing else to offer a team, bet he wishes he developed his game more.

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Because as a footballer player for Rangers he about as poor as we've had. I will grudgingly give him his goal scoring record but he could've been so much more if he had put the work in to improve his all round play but sadly he couldn't be arsed.


This is a viewpoint I've never understood....


What is a Strikers main purpose???? unless I'm mistaken, its to score goals!!! and unless I'm mistaken again, Boyd scored a barrel load of them.


Where as Miller would run about a lot, involving himself in play within the midfield etc, and as a result scored a lot less goals than Boyd did.

Boyd was constantly criticised over not "doing enough", yet he was still putting the ball in the net - that's all that matters!!!

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This is a viewpoint I've never understood....


What is a Strikers main purpose???? unless I'm mistaken, its to score goals!!! and unless I'm mistaken again, Boyd scored a barrel load of them.


Where as Miller would run about a lot, involving himself in play within the midfield etc, and as a result scored a lot less goals than Boyd did.

Boyd was constantly criticised over not "doing enough", yet he was still putting the ball in the net - that's all that matters!!!


It's not enough for some fans though, if he did have a better all round game he probably would've left Rangers before he did to a better team. Just because he didn't run around like Miller did or as they put it 'try' harder or they said he looked like he was lazy it was not good enough even though he was our top scorer every season he was with us and helping us win trophies which he certainy did. I just don't get fans slagging him off either, if he did run around like say Miller, IMO Boyd wouldn't have been in positions to score the goals he did.

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I think we're doing a disservice to Miller and his workrate here.


Miller is a better all rounder no doubt and IMO a partnership up front needs a worker and a poacher, even better if the worker can also score a few like miller did. Boyd was the better finisher and miller was the workhorse and it worked well.

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It's not enough for some fans though, if he did have a better all round game he probably would've left Rangers before he did to a better team. Just because he didn't run around like Miller did or as they put it 'try' harder or they said


At least we would have got a fee if that were the case.


he looked like he was lazy


"Looked" like he was lazy ? Come on johnny, he WAS lazy. Not only did the fans see it, WS saw it and so too did Mowbray when he went to Middlesborough - one of the first comments Mowbray made about him. I dont think there is much doubt he WAS lazy. Unfortunately he only picked up his work-rate when he was benched for being lazy. I will, however, admit that his work-rate improved in his last year or so.


it was not good enough even though he was our top scorer every season he was with us and helping us win trophies which he certainy did. I just don't get fans slagging him off either,


It should be remembered that Boyd was convenient with the truth when going through the contract negotiations (if we believe what was said in the press). He intimated that his decision would be largely based on if WS stayed. WS did stay and Boyd still went elsewhere. I personally dont begrudge him what he did but I think some fans see him as a lying chunt telling the fans lies to remain in good favour. Which is their prerogative.


Football fans are fickle.... we slag off CURRENT players (ala Whittaker & Edu....) so to expect fans to not slag off former players who the fans feel lied to them is asking a lot. I wish we didnt (and I do myself...) but it is the nature of us.


if he did run around like say Miller, IMO Boyd wouldn't have been in positions to score the goals he did.


He also might have actually scored more - or, at least, assisted the TEAM to score more. Boyd was about Boyd. He wanted goals, nothing more. I would say he had a basic knowledge of the game from the way he played. I am NOT giving him a disservice - his goal scoring exploits are undoubted and something which is difficult to teach - ala McCoist he knew where to be and when. Difficult to teach that.


However, he was all about Boyd. So long as he scored he was happy. If we scored 80 goals a season as a team with Boyd being a statue and "only" scoring goals he was happy. But what if, by showing more movement and bringing players in, we scored 100 goals a season with Boyd scoring slightly less ? That helps both him AND the team, no ?


I wouldnt ever begrudge Boyd his move or his goalscoring exploits. But I can see why some wouldnt want him back and why some would slag him off.

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