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HMRC case dropped - maybe.

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... unless, as some seem to think, Thornhill ripped HMRC's case to shreds and we have no "real" case to answer in the first place. Perhaps the predating of the 2010 ruling can be challenged.


Possibly but if that rumour was true why did it have to go to a second 3-day hearing? If it was so cut and dry, I reckon it would have been decided last October.


I wouldn't believe any speculation myself. Has all been conducted in private so we'll just have to wait for the judgement.

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Well, yes. Since the case is apparently paraded as a precedence by HMRC, we/Thornhill probably presented as much evidence as possible to get a favorable result. Which of the evidence or points presented by our team are more relevant for the case remains to be seen.


On a sidenote, are we actually represented by the MIH team (since they arranged the EBTs) or do we have our "own" lawyers here? For, as some said, this case may also have implications to MIH later on.

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Well, yes. Since the case is apparently paraded as a precedence by HMRC, we/Thornhill probably presented as much evidence as possible to get a favorable result. Which of the evidence or points presented by our team are more relevant for the case remains to be seen.


On a sidenote, are we actually represented by the MIH team (since they arranged the EBTs) or do we have our "own" lawyers here? For, as some said, this case may also have implications to MIH later on.


I honestly don't know mate. Apparently this is HMRC v MIH but I'd fancy that we'd have to be involved given the substantial nature of the claim - as well as us not being part of MIH any more.


Like I say, as far as I'm concerned, it is very difficult to judge the situation as there has been next to no official comment. Any discussion on the subject is 100% speculation. That's not to say people aren't right in their analysis - just that without knowing the evidence submitted it's impossible to say 'guilty or not guilty'.

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I happen to agree with Frankie on this especially on the MIH involvement as this is what started the investigation , what has always amazed me is that the amount required of MIH has never been leaked , now the question needs asked who benefits from all this secrecy , who,s name is never mentioned , and who is always been rumoured to be pulling the strings in the back ground

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I happen to agree with Frankie on this especially on the MIH involvement as this is what started the investigation , what has always amazed me is that the amount required of MIH has never been leaked , now the question needs asked who benefits from all this secrecy , who,s name is never mentioned , and who is always been rumoured to be pulling the strings in the back ground


Moriarty aka SDM

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