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Craig Whyte Q&A with Tom English in Scotland on Sunday 05/02/12

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dB, Whyte's comment about the £3.5m a month running costs was in reply to the question of where the £20m of mortgaged ticket money has gone. We got over £15m in revenue from Europe last season and a very sizeable chunk of that Euro cash didn't come in till after Whyte took over. I just think it would have been good for Tom English to ask about that money while conducting this Q&A session. It's a valid question to ask while asking all those other questions about the club and Whyte finances. I mentioned it to Tom English on twitter this morning, so you never know, he might include it in his next Q&A and get even tougher with the questioning....


IMHO that was clear enough. I doubt that all these 20m from Ticketus will be solely used for these running costs. And even if, which was my point, how long will these 20m last? Hence my reply that Whyte will make sure that all income will be used to keep the club as such running, pay off any out-standing issues and keep a decent amount handy for any possible HMRC bill (even though we apparently can cover the small bill with the money frozen in the accounts).


As I said before, Whyte has no (as in: NO) obligation to give a reporter (or us) a detailed account on how he uses the money. No chairman this side of Saturn's rings does that and I simply cannot understand the constant harassment of Whyte in the press and on the boards to release figures so blatantly confidental. All figures that need publication will be posted on the annual accounts (once they are handy). And you will get hardly any more info than in the annual reports from any chairmen either. In that respect, Whyte is much more forthcoming than most.


(On a sidenote, do keep in mind that despite probably being in this business for the better part of a decade, he is still pretty young (i.e. 40, which is younger than me) and thus bound to act and react differently than e.g. a Marlborough, Murray or the like. And no, that is no excuse, just a statement.)

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dB, Whyte's comment about the £3.5m a month running costs was in reply to the question of where the £20m of mortgaged ticket money has gone. We got over £15m in revenue from Europe last season and a very sizeable chunk of that Euro cash didn't come in till after Whyte took over. I just think it would have been good for Tom English to ask about that money while conducting this Q&A session. It's a valid question to ask while asking all those other questions about the club and Whyte finances. I mentioned it to Tom English on twitter this morning, so you never know, he might include it in his next Q&A and get even tougher with the questioning....


I don't think it's in Rangers interests to have every sordid bit of laundry washed in public. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be helpful to get some answers, but I have NEVER known such prolonged public scrutiny of a company in my life.

I'm sure a meeting could be set up with CW. Without any hacks there.

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He certainly doesn't seem to be dodging any of the issues there and is proving to be much more transparent than Murray ever was, not to mention being timely when it comes to responding to criticism and questions that need answered.


He clearly has a plan for the tax case and is determined to run the club within its means, so surely he deserves our support?

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I think the crowd today showed what support the fans are prepared to give.


Everything seems to hinge on the outcome of the tax case, whichhas been the case for some time now.

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There are some on here that would cry foul no matter what CW said. Get a grip guys look at the big picture.


I would say that the usual suspects aren't on yet must be working on the Anti-CW post.


Or your in the pub :)

Edited by GovanAllan
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