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Vanguard Bears Meeting With CW

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The support is always split about something. If you want to cease debate till after the tax case, then go for it but as I said the other day, everyone is entitled to voice their opinions on these matters without constantly being patronised and made to look or feel like they're doing something wrong. You have your morals and standards and you're free to live by them. The rest of us will live by our own. :tu:


To be fair I dont think that dB was being patronising with the particular post you referenced.


I think that it is a legitimate perspective to have. We have seen the same stuff regurgitated time after time after time in the last year or so and each time it happens another shit-storm emanates amongst us fans. I think dB has a legitimate "I am sick of seeing all this stuff and debating it" perspective.


You and I though.... are different from that. We would debate that the moon is made of cheese ;) till we were both blue (cheese) in the face. That is just who we are.


I dont think dB is being patronising though, just suggesting he is sick of the re-treading of the same old, tired stuff (for the most part).

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To be fair I dont think that dB was being patronising with the particular post you referenced.


I think that it is a legitimate perspective to have. We have seen the same stuff regurgitated time after time after time in the last year or so and each time it happens another shit-storm emanates amongst us fans. I think dB has a legitimate "I am sick of seeing all this stuff and debating it" perspective.


You and I though.... are different from that. We would debate that the moon is made of cheese ;) till we were both blue (cheese) in the face. That is just who we are.


I dont think dB is being patronising though, just suggesting he is sick of the re-treading of the same old, tired stuff (for the most part).


Fair enough Craig, but the way I see it is that anyone who doesn't want to talk about the Whyte stuff or the financial issues or the tax case, doesn't need to read the threads pertaining to any of these issues. If you're sick of reading about that stuff just stay clear of the discussions on those issues/topics.

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Fair enough Craig, but the way I see it is that anyone who doesn't want to talk about the Whyte stuff or the financial issues or the tax case, doesn't need to read the threads pertaining to any of these issues. If you're sick of reading about that stuff just stay clear of the discussions on those issues/topics.


True, I agree with you.


The reality is that there hasnt been the transparency with CW we wanted and that some of his dealings have been subject to much press, all of which is negative.


Whilst I wont begrudge anyone that takes a passive "I am sick of hearing it" position - I personally would be disappointed of we, as a support as a whole, were not questioning CW - we need to keep pressure on him to do the right things for RANGERS, not only the right things for Craig Whyte

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As I said before, other judges have ruled that Rangers songs are sectarian and sentenced people for it. Then another judge ruled that Celtic songs of equal pedigree are not sectarian but annoying some people in the public, the accused got a stern talking to and were done with it. I for one do not trust a judge in Scotland much more than I could throw him/her.


Not that this will help if people want to walk along with the media and dance a jig on all negative evidence and perceive evidence that is published about Whyte.


Best to cease debate till after the case is heard, for right now those behind all the shyte-stirring are making the most of one of their underlines schemes, i.e. splitting our support.


I have a copy of the judgement it's 39 pages long and is a pretty damning indictment of Craig Whyte and the way he does business. The Sheriff disregards (the perjury stuff the BBC were harping on about last week ) the ban from being a company Director as not relative to the One Stop v Tixway case, that's the only saving grace for Whyte in the entire 39 pages.

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Thanks for that input, forlanssister. Still stand by my point. The way this episode is becoming a nexus for judging his personality in the media (and on here) proved that the hacks are on the right way.


That the sheriff disregards his ban has exactly what to do with this case?

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Frankie, you more than anyone must see the irony in this. Also, where was this unity when they walked away from the Fans Working Group.


Sorry - just able to reply now.


I'll admit to seeing the irony given the complaints about RST/club meeting minutes being diluted by the same people in the past.


As for VB not wanting to work with the working group, I agree that was disappointing but everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is a shame that we struggle to all sing from the same hymn sheet but in many ways this is a unique time for the club so it's not a surprise confusion reigns. As well as apathy of course.

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Frankie, you more than anyone must see the irony in this. Also, where was this unity when they walked away from the Fans Working Group.


The VBs played a full part while they were members of the FWG. They eventually felt that they wanted to approach matters from a different angle and it would be best achieved from outside the group. There was unity on the objectives. It was only how best to achieve them that was being questioned. They left with no hard feelings and wished the group all the best. I don't see that there is much of a unity issue and doubt that there would be any problems if the FWG approached them for help in the future. I've not seen any reason that they would not continue to work with other areas of the support as they have done in the past.


I don't think that the VB meeting with Whyte was focussed enough in the areas that it should have done but they have their areas that they see as being important and others have different views but we all want the same and perhaps we are a lot closer than many think.


The biggest problem that the support have at the moment is whether they do become fractured and become split into pro-Whyte and anti-Whyte. There are signs of this already and Whyte could be doing more to fix this.

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The VBs played a full part while they were members of the FWG. They eventually felt that they wanted to approach matters from a different angle and it would be best achieved from outside the group. There was unity on the objectives. It was only how best to achieve them that was being questioned. They left with no hard feelings and wished the group all the best. I don't see that there is much of a unity issue and doubt that there would be any problems if the FWG approached them for help in the future. I've not seen any reason that they would not continue to work with other areas of the support as they have done in the past.


I don't think that the VB meeting with Whyte was focussed enough in the areas that it should have done but they have their areas that they see as being important and others have different views but we all want the same and perhaps we are a lot closer than many think.


The biggest problem that the support have at the moment is whether they do become fractured and become split into pro-Whyte and anti-Whyte. There are signs of this already and Whyte could be doing more to fix this.


I think you will always have that in any club\company. There will always be people who like you,and people who don't, normally due to different reasons with jealousy often being a catalyst.

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Something that might be worth noting about these edited and summarised minutes of the VB meeting with Whyte is that the positivity shown in this release isn't necessarily a true reflection of the VB admin's actual views on Whyte. They're not exactly going to come out and say in this release that having met with him again they're still as concerned about him as everyone else. It seems to me that the idea is simply to paint a picture of good will, support and cooperation while avoiding feeding more ammo to the lurking national press.

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