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Whyte, Hero or conman-poll

Whyte saviour or conman  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Whyte saviour or conman

    • Craig Whyte is the saviour of our club
    • Craig Whyte is a conman

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I don't think we were ever going to sail off into the sunset with CW.

I only see him as a "cleaner" who has been asked to clean up the shite which has been accumulating at our Club now for a number of years. Ugly, dirty horrible job, especially when those who caused the shite stand on the sidelines constantly trying to divert him'

Paul Murray could have done this clean up but that would mean exposing his pals, and we must not forget this.

Whyte did NOT cause our Club to risk collapsing, David Murray, Paul Murray, Alister Johnston, Martin Baines etc are the culpable ones, NOT Craig Whyte.

Make no mistake, the Bunnet did exactly the same job for celtic (I can't remember his past being scrutinised while he was trying to save them!) and he was well recompensed for his efforts. The only thing about him was they didn't like him because he wouldn't buy in to their tim culture but all in all he had an easy ride.

I expect Craig Whyte to do the same and disappear back to where he came from.

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Make no mistake, without Craig Whyte we would be in Administration and at the mercy of HMRC without someone having separated assets from debts and giving us a chance of coming out the other side.


I genuinely believe that if we had not been sold last summer then we would not be in administration at this point.

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I genuinely believe that if we had not been sold last summer then we would not be in administration at this point.



Maybe you're right....we'd be dying the death of a thousand cuts, ran by the bank and blundering from one mini-crisis to the next and still have the dark shadow of HMRC hangng over us and THEN go into administration. That better?

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Seems to me like a Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. We need to wait till the box is opened and the wavefunction is resolved...


We definitely need an on the fence option.


Just a wee insight into how people are thinking Cal. We can only wait and see how this pans out. I didn't want a middle option for the very fact I wanted to see how people are slanting. I think most people are undecided, we know that,. It is not a decision that is going to put him in jail. I would like to say a bit of light entertainment but t maybe that is inappropriate at this time. Certainly not something to get hot under the collar about.

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