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Dr Michael Kelly was my Micro Economics lecturer at Strathclyde Uni in the mid-70s. He was also a Baillie(Chaired the Licensing Committee of the then Glasgow District Council). The remuneration for a Senior Lecturer allowed Michael to live with his American wife and five children in a three bedroom flat in one of the side streets off Byers Road. Becoming a Baillie allowed Michael to move to a sandstone villa in an acre of mature woodland in Pollockshields, he remains there to this day. I am sure there is no corrolation with such upward mobility and the authority to guarantee a well known Greek Cypriot Casino chain owner that all his establishments will possess the appropriate late licenses?


Michael Kelly and morality is a laughable concept.


Matt McMoan is my favourite Yahoo. No Bear should EVER miss an opportunity to patronise him, he should be retained as a pet. At the height of his pomp as a Sellik View columnist, he penned a tome entitled, 'Emotionally Celtic'. If you come across a copy, buy it. The preface is priceless, he opines an apology to all the women he has met and romanced. He could not committ because his true love was always, 'ra Sellik'.


I believe Matt to be on his third wife, he was thrown out by his second wife because of the copious amounts of Columbian marching powder going up his nostrils. Thus, on the streets of East Kilbride he was given a home in the rather duce Botanioc Gardens by Graham Spiers. Yep, for several weeks in 2001, Glasgow's oddest of odd couples had a summer of love. I wonder if Graham allowed Matt to finger his organ whilst indulging in a duet of Elton John melodies? We should be told.

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There is nothing funnier in this world than watching Tim on Tim whether it's in a pub on the street or national TV and long may it continue.


Just watched it again they are totally convinced if we went bust they would get a move to England it's seems Liewell and McGlone have proved the old saying "you can fool all of the mhutants all of the time".


No they fool themselves all the time.

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Comedy Gold at its best.......if only Carlsberg done Interviews where there's almost a boxing match.....Kelly's face was a picture at 4.08 after McGlone told him he had a cheek! :)


The epl would welcome us with open arms to join them....

Edited by Gers4Life
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A great laugh indeed, almost took my mind of our own troubles watching them 2 arguing on TV, ha ha.


But my view is the same as on the other post, and Kelly talks more about the fact it will affect septic. They'll not go out of business, but they will be affected.


And they may well get into the English game, but that will only be when the bottom has fallen out of the TV funding and the other English clubs will want their fan base to fill their empty stands.


Of course, Rangers are not going anywhere, so it's just a case of giving these bams air time, which they grab with relish to make arses of themselves.


All alone, or in pairs!

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