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Sir David Murray.

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I think it'd be the wrong thing to do, nor do i think it would happen. It's nothing to do with what DM has done to us, but it damagers the Crown and the Knighthood process. I know that people will compare him to the RBS guy, but he's nothing like him in stature nor has he done as much damage as he did

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I think it'd be the wrong thing to do, nor do i think it would happen. It's nothing to do with what DM has done to us, but it damagers the Crown and the Knighthood process. I know that people will compare him to the RBS guy, but he's nothing like him in stature nor has he done as much damage as he did


To be honest I didn't even know it was possible and you are right the RBS guy was given as a parallel.

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David Murray has a hell of a lot to answer for, but this whole strip him of his knighthood thing is absolutely rediculous and definitely not the solution to anyone's gripes about how he ran Rangers during his time as owner. I find it quite sad that any Rangers fans would be campaigning for such a thing.

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There is no comparison....


Fred the Shred received his Knighthood for Services to Banking....he then nearly single handed brought down the countries banking system - clear justification for taking away the knighthood.


David Murray oversaw the mismanagement of a Glasgow Football team who's impact outwith Glasgow is virtually nill!!!


Also, the Administrators said it was the debts run up since Mr Whyte took over that put the club into Administration, not anything that SDM did!!!

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Knighthoods are normally only removed when the receiver is jailed if I recall correctly. Fred the Shred was a special case - and tbh I don't think I agreed with that either as I don't think he was solely responsible.

It might stick in people throats a bit but I'm not really for removing Knighthoods etc when they've been given out. It takes the sheen out of the entire process.

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'Tis the fashionable thing to suggest in light of what happened with Goodwin but I think its a load of tosh really. SDM is guilty of gross-mismanagement of our club and the buck stops with him up to a point, but there's been an awful lot more people than him involved in decision making over the last 5-6 years who could have and should have done more to arrest our slide in financial terms. And obviously we still don't know what Craig Whyte has done here although I'm sure that will come out over the next few weeks.


What is bizarre though is the amount of time the deal took to complete. SDM said he'd only sell to someone who had the best intentions of the club at heart and could prove they had the funds to invest. In fact there was even a team from the club setup to carry out this task for him. So why when the deal was being concluded were some of that team warning against Whyte? The whole thing stinks, but there was so much information and disinformation (not to mention political games) being played out via the media that I don't think anyone knew the full story of what was going on.

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