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All This 'We Don't Need Them' Talk

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Tbh although I'm obviously biased, I've always felt Rangers have conducted themselves better in media terms than Celtic. They whinge and whine and mhoan about how everyone hates them and is against them and their conspiracy stories. Even though the media are attacking, Rangers themselves still hold their dignity when discussing matters.

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It has finally shown the world what utter scum they are, this is a world wide story and they have come out of it looking very bad long may it continue.


And any Rangers fan who uses the OF analogy again should get a slap, it's them and us from now on I hope they burn in Hell.

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I've been listening to plenty of reaction on Talksport, 5Live etc and when the subject comes up (Celtic's reaction) they are pretty shocked at how they have reacted to this. Adrian Durham couldn't believe the stuff coming from tims. They have completely discarded any semblance of decency to vent their hatred of us. I think it has opened a few eyes and ears to their lunacy.

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The weird thing is that it will NEVER happen - they are completely fantasising...


The worst case scenario is an Airdrie United type situation where we buy a club and change its name and location... Even Airdrie were too big a club to disappear too easily... Alas Gretna wasn't big enough.


Can I point out the real Rangers entity is not a company nor a building nor even a bunch of players. It's not even the fans at the time. As people, we change throughout the years and each and every molecule is replaced many times - but our soul and identity goes with us. As does Rangers - the essence of the club is an abstract entity that like Tinkerbell, only needs enough people to believe in it to survive through the ages.


I lack the philosophical knowledge to explain this well known concept adequately but as long as but a hundred Rangers fans remain alive and true to the cause, the club will survive in some shape or form. With at least a few hundred thousand of us, we will be a major force for a long time to come - even if as some phoenix from the ashes.

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Wasn't surprising to hear some of the bile coming from the Jungle Jims. Was in tears laughing at McGlone and Michael Kelly on Scotland Tonight discussing the issue. Complete and utter buffons.


It's clear that their hatred for Rangers runs much deeper than their love for their own club.

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The weird thing is that it will NEVER happen - they are completely fantasising...


The worst case scenario is an Airdrie United type situation where we buy a club and change its name and location... Even Airdrie were too big a club to disappear too easily... Alas Gretna wasn't big enough.


Can I point out the real Rangers entity is not a company nor a building nor even a bunch of players. It's not even the fans at the time. As people, we change throughout the years and each and every molecule is replaced many times - but our soul and identity goes with us. As does Rangers - the essence of the club is an abstract entity that like Tinkerbell, only needs enough people to believe in it to survive through the ages.


I lack the philosophical knowledge to explain this well known concept adequately but as long as but a hundred Rangers fans remain alive and true to the cause, the club will survive in some shape or form. With at least a few hundred thousand of us, we will be a major force for a long time to come - even if as some phoenix from the ashes.


"If we play on the streets, Then we support from the pavements" think thats what you trying to tell us CS.

Edited by GovanAllan
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I'm saying there is enough Rangers support that while the original company, club or even god forbid the stadium might not be the same, the entity of Rangers FC will survive and prosper.


Airdrie Utd is our worst case scenario - but factor in that Rangers are at least 20 times bigger.

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These claims are simply not true and are fuelled by so many negative and sensationalist media reporting, which gives any Rangers haters a blank cheque to spew shite.


If the worse happened and we were to go out of business, or even be demoted to the lower leagues, I wouldn't claim that any other clubs would go out of business as a result. Equally, to say that it would have no effect on these clubs is the crux of the delusion.


For starters, all these clubs would lose having their grounds filled for at least 2 games a season, doesn't sound much, but then there's not much money in Scottish football, so it could hit them hard. Also, the crowds would dissapear as septic would completely dominate the game.


But septic would be affected as well. Their crowds would also shrink for many reasons, not least of all for the fact that there would be no one for them to hate anymore, thus very little incentive to buy season tickets. Are their stand alone plans based on a Rangers team exsiting, or not existing? Surely their plans much have taken account of the interest in the game from fans in general.

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