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Craig Whyte Admits

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Definitely agree there....If Whyte hadn't constantly denied using the ticket money to fund the takeover, I think folk wouldn't be quite as angry.


One important thing though....While Liverpool & Man Utd were purchased using a similar model, neither have been put into administration in less than a year!!!


If Whyte had done what he's done, and as a result stabilized the club financially, it would have been seen as a good move by the vast majority of the fans....but that ain't the case unfortunately. :(


No mate they haven't but both are up to their eyes in debt far worse than any we face and if wasn't for the sky cash cow they would be tits up along with us.

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So is Whyte's endgame to hold Rangers fans (both super rich and potential small investors) to ransom?


He surreptitiously buys the club with its own money puts it in the shit and administration, gets a CVA, is paid and pockets a fraction of his supposed credit and then threatens to liquidate the club unless it is bought from him for an addition market fee - even though he didn't pay more than pound himself?


As a triple whammy he siphons off the balance of the ticketus money and a whole lot of other income and assets...?


If that is the case the guy is completely evil and will be one of the most notorious Scots in history. Maybe that's when having some nutters in our support could come in handy to dispatch justice.


But it's really hard to believe someone could even have the balls to do something like that, never mind the will. Surely that can't be true?


As I said before Calscot the mans a bastard just how big a bastard he is we will soon find out.

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No mate they haven't but both are up to their eyes in debt far worse than any we face and if wasn't for the sky cash cow they would be tits up along with us.


They can handle the massive debt, due to having massive income (mainly from Sky as you say)...it's all relative.

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Sorry I mean has the rangertaxcase site been discussed before? I'm assuming it must have been. I've read bits before and of course they completely denigrate the tabloids, so was looking to find out more about those who run the site etc. Just didn't want to start another new thread was all

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Sorry I mean has the rangertaxcase site been discussed before? I'm assuming it must have been. I've read bits before and of course they completely denigrate the tabloids, so was looking to find out more about those who run the site etc. Just didn't want to start another new thread was all


Yeah, it's been discussed many times. Clearly, they're no friends of Rangers but it can't be denied much of their information has been accurate.

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IF he used the Ticketus money? Why IF? He's admitted it. The administrators have confirmed it. Why are you still questioning it?


I don't. I used it to start a question, i.e. if he used the Ticketus money for clearing the Lloyds debt, which money did he use to run the club. Simple grammar, nothing sinister.


As for the financing of the club, yes, it wouldn't be too hard for me to sit down and work it out (Ticketus balance, last year's CL cash, some season ticket money, not paying HMRC and other creditors), but what would it prove?


That he used money of his own to run the club, maybe?


As for your dismissal of the press, virtually everything they have printed about Whyte has been proven to be true (despite some over-exaggeration). You can keep dismissing it as hearsay and lies ( although Whyte's lies only seem to be "lies" in inverted commas) but it doesn't change the facts.


You try to read something into my replies that is not there. There is not just black & white here, but many shades of "grey", in our respect, truths, half-truths, and hearsay. I for one rather listen to what comes from official sources from within the club than any guesswork by the media. And here - time and again - I refer to the sports hacks, who hardly get their average transfer rumour correct. I did not outright deny that all stuff in the media is rubbish. If others - who usually discard media rumours as garbage too - now develop a new sense of trust in the media, so be it.


As for him using our season ticket money, you just dismiss it with a "so what". If that's your attitude to the club's money being used for used for Whyte's personal gain and that it will leave us with even bigger problems in future years then I guess that you probably don't understand the situation or are so blinded by the "Whyte can't do any wrong" position that you aren't looking at the facts rationally.


Now that you gave it to me with both barrells again, think about your reply above, me recent reply and ask the simple question of "so what"? Give me those problems you envisage and lets talk about them, rather than calling me dumb or the like.


BTW, did I defend Whyte in my reply above? "Whyte can't do wrong"? What's that? So far, the only ones who can't stop with unkind accusations are of the ... now well established anti-Whyte faction. I try to keep my mind open and hear what all people concerned have to say here. Let's keep it civil, please.

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