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WALTER SMITH broke his silence last night

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WALTER SMITH broke his silence last night, urging the people responsible for Rangersâ?? crisis to come clean.


The former manager had been keeping his own counsel but as Rangers descended deeper into administration he decided he couldnâ??t be a silent bystander any longer.


And he stressed the men who dragged Rangers into the biggest crisis in the clubâ??s 140-year history should search their hearts â?? and consciences.


Smith appealed to the administrators to show the fans the respect they deserve. He said: â??They are the ones who will be suffering most.


â??And I include all those decent people who work behind the scenes and who fear for their jobs. Most of them are supporters as well and they all need answers to their questions â?? and one in particular


â??Where is the clubâ??s money?â?


Smith was out of the country when the Daily Record broke the story about Craig Whyteâ??s deal to mortgage off chunks of future season tickets to fund his £18million buyout but he was kept up to speed from home.


At first he felt it would have been wrong to speak out, believing the last thing Rangers needed was someone else adding to the maelstrom of anger.


But as the crisis deepens he reckons it would be wrong to remain silent.


He said: â??Hopefully the men who did this will be held to account


â??The administrators must find out and then tell the fans where the money has gone. It is their money and they have every right to know.â?


About a dozen years ago previous owner David Murray had to address borrowings of up to £85m but Smith says there was one crucial difference between then and now.


He said: â??Then you could see most of the debt. It was out on the pitch.


â??It was money invested in the team that caused the problems years ago but now no one seems to know. No one can see the debt and the administrators have to get this money back into the club before itâ??s too late.â?



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A debts a debt Walter you still have to pay it so whether its on the park or in the Stadium or to the taxman its still a debt.


Step very very carefully Walter because some of your mates took us to the edge, so if you start slinging mud make sure you sling some there way or your going to look like a sad old man and not a Rangers legend.

Edited by GovanAllan
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Tbf he does point out the key differences and it's a fairly neutral statement, he doesn't name anyone specifically - even if we all know who he means - and is almost just adding support to the voices of Rangers fans. He *had* to say something rather than keep quiet on the saga forever.

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A debts a debt Walter you still have to pay it so whether its on the park or in the Stadium or to the taxman its still a debt.


Step very very carefully Walter because some of your mates took us to the edge, so if you start slinging mud make sure you sling some there way or your going to look like a sad old man and not a Rangers legend.


I really don't understand this post Allan. I think it's actually totally unfair. If there's one bear above all others who I trust it's Walter.

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A debts a debt Walter you still have to pay it so whether its on the park or in the Stadium or to the taxman its still a debt.


This is very true.....however, WS was pointing out that when SDM ran up £85m in debt, the FANS could clearly see where & how that debt had been run up (and how many complained at the time???). Where as now....we don't even know the total figure of the debts incurred by Mr Whyte, never mind how & where they have been run up!!!

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The point is a debt is still a debt that has to be paid and at the time Sir Flim flam was telling us we could afford all this so no one was bothered until the shit hit the fan. All I'm saying is if Walter wants to start getting involved then he has to be critical of all party's and that includes his pals.

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I trust him as well on Football matters but do trust him to be critical of Murray and Bain when it's needed.


I think it would be undignified of Walter to start slinging mud at specific people. He's a lot better than that. We all know who he means when he criticises our current situation, he does not need to name them.

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The point is a debt is still a debt that has to be paid and at the time Sir Flim flam was telling us we could afford all this so no one was bothered until the shit hit the fan. All I'm saying is if Walter wants to start getting involved then he has to be critical of all party's and that includes his pals.


So you basically want Walter to descend to the level of the likes of Liewell and directly slag off those responsible for this mess?


I really don't.

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