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Dismayed by some of my fellow "fans".

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I think most forums have disclaimers because with such huge numbers of people it is inevitable that a few different (and perhaps extreme) views are aired.


It's the sane if you enter any workplace, school, uni or pub. I don't think it's a big deal to be honest - its easy enough to pick and choose what thread (and indeed forum) you use.


I agree with this.


There is also the fact that during busy times it's easier to ban the new guy whose opinion is different to the majority rather than hand out warnings to established posters. Not saying that is the right way of moderating but it's the easiest way.


Each forum has its own characteristics that will suit the user, and of course the user has to find the forum where they're most comfortable with.

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I fully understand that Frankie but these are not minority views on these sites IMO.


If you would care to have a look at some Sellik sites - say KDS - you would find a horrible level of bile and distastefulness

Equally other clubs.

It's a sign of the times, and it's here to stay.

It will inevitably destroy football, and ultimately society, and most likely the Galaxy if it isn't stopped.

It's called cyber bullying. Usually perpetrated by pimply spotty skinny 14 year olds that pretend to be knowledgable adults.

40 years ago, the school gates prevented all this nonsense.

So yes, I blame the schools.

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I haven't used any other forums so can't comment on that.


I agree with the OP's comments about certain sections of our fans letting us down. In our current situation it would be more constructive if they used the matches to voice support for the players & staff that are potentially losing there jobs rather than showing acts of defiance to the SPL/Police.


On another note Celtic fans should, IMO, be called Rangers haters as most of them that I know spend more energy hating Rangers than they do supporting Celtic. I fear that this mentality may be infecting some Rangers fans. We have to remember that we live in a democracy (apparently) and they are granted their freedom of speech & their right to have an opinion. Unfortunately for them, they are Rangers fans - rendering those rights invalid.

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I've not been on RM since I was branded a tim many months ago.


I do frequent FF though don't post very often, I find it very good for the latest news/rumours.


I have never seen the 'menu for NL', but it is easy enough to figure out which thread is worth looking at, and which ones to give a miss. I'm a bit mystified about 'bringing the orange strip back' and 'sash bash', and why you would find these offensive.


After all these are public forums, and people having a 'sash bash' have the same right to talk about it, as you have to say you don't like the royal family.

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I've not been on RM since I was branded a tim many months ago.


I do frequent FF though don't post very often, I find it very good for the latest news/rumours.


I have never seen the 'menu for NL', but it is easy enough to figure out which thread is worth looking at, and which ones to give a miss. I'm a bit mystified about 'bringing the orange strip back' and 'sash bash', and why you would find these offensive.


After all these are public forums, and people having a 'sash bash' have the same right to talk about it, as you have to say you don't like the royal family.


First of all thanks for the comments guys. I don't want anyone to think that I posted this and just bolted. I got tied up last night and couldn't read any of the replies


With regards to the above reply by chilled bear, I don't necassarily find the old Sash Bash/orange strip thing offensive but I do find the presumption that this is what Rangers is all about very annoying. I am a Rangers fan that has zero interest in Northern Ireland, Orange walks, "religion" and I am sure there are thousands like me? If anyone is proposing a strip to raise money then why not a Gallant Pioneers Blue Star commemorative strip? Why not a black and red strip to celebrate our Govan heritage? Or something positive like that? These colours/strips would unite Rangers fans under one banner IMO whereas the orange strip idea isolates a large selection of our support and just serves as a flag to wave to get under the noses of the Celtic fans.

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Unfortunately there is a large and growing underclass in this country and some of them support Rangers, there's no getting away from it. I wouldn't worry about it Max. I couldn't care less about the Monarchy, Northern Ireland or The Orange Order and to some that makes me less of a Rangers fan than them but they couldn't be more wrong. This is why I wouldn't contemplate frequenting ANY other Rangers forum.


100% right Juan. It's like Arthur Miller's Crucible on these sights. I even made a good luck comment about the Rangers players that were picked to play for Scotland senior and U-21 teams and was branded republican scum?? Are these guys for real? Would you brand Alan Morton, Davie Meiklejohn, Geordie Young, John Greig, Jim Baxter, Richard Gough and Davie Cooper republican scum because they played and in some cases captained for their nation (Scotland) with pride.

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I think you are being a little hard on that section of our support if I'm honest, it might not be a huge part of your life if any but it is a huge part of their life and has been for generations, which has been systematically attacked and stripped of its legal rights year on year for no other reason than some people don't like them that my friend is down right bigotry of the highest order so to just condemn them with a swipe of your hand is a bit poor to say the least.


I for one I'm very proud of my Queen and the job she does for our country I'm also proudly British and believe the union is one of the Worlds greatest achievements, it seems to be a bad thing in today's republican Scotland to show support for anything British which I think is terribly sad and some what racist to say the least.


I take it you will be asking Rangers to remove all signs of the Queen from Ibrox and a total stop of all Union Flags being flown at Ibrox.


Whether you like it or not Rangers stand for the union and that includes the Monarchy you seem to dislike so much. As for the nonexistent agenda against us by the other side if you really think hand on heart they are not trying with every fibre in their being from the top of the powers in this country to the wee man in the street to see us finished, then you are sadly deluded my friend and we are right royally fucked if more of the Rangers family feel the same.


As the saying goes "The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World he didn't exist".

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I for one I'm very proud of my Queen and the job she does for our country I'm also proudly British and believe the union is one of the Worlds greatest achievements, it seems to be a bad thing in today's republican Scotland to show support for anything British which I think is terribly sad and some what racist to say the least.


Good for you. That's you right after all. I have not condemed the Queen or the Monarchy at any stage. I just stated on these sites that I wasn't bothered about them (hardly hatred?) and was immediately branded a Tim. etc.


I take it you will be asking Rangers to remove all signs of the Queen from Ibrox and a total stop of all Union Flags being flown at Ibrox.


I think you're adding 2 + 2 and coming up with 5 mate


Whether you like it or not Rangers stand for the union and that includes the Monarchy you seem to dislike so much. As for the nonexistent agenda against us by the other side if you really think hand on heart they are not trying with every fibre in their being from the top of the powers in this country to the wee man in the street to see us finished, then you are sadly deluded my friend and we are right royally fucked if more of the Rangers family feel the same.


Whether I like it? Rangers stand for the Union? Sorry first things first. Don't tell me what Rangers are and what they stand for. I have been a Rangers fan all my life and in my eyes they are a football team. That's what they stand for. Great players, great teams, great goals. I am sorry but my football allegience does not shape my political view. That would be just plain daft TBH

Edited by Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose
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Who's having a go know because I don't agree with you, if you don't think Rangers are a unionist club then I suggest you read some of our history mate.


Were not call the Quintessential Britsh Club for nothing.


It would appear you have a bigger problem with them and there views than they have with you.

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