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Rangers Fighting Fund Meeting - Notes

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Regarding Jardine, I know a lot of bears will agree with your sentiments, as I do myself. However I have it on very good authority that he has actually stood up and been counted big time since Administration, and without Russell and Smith there, he has effectively been the club rep when dealing with other clubs on matchdays. He has been very helpful to Ally and has been a conduit between the admin and a lot of the staff. I know of at least 2 very prominent bears who swore they would never have any dealings with Jardine again but have admitted to a change of heart over the last couple of weeks.


He will be heavily involved in the Fighting Fund and has been the driving force behind it really and has done the most work with the administrators to get it approved.


Not what I expected to hear about him, and he has a long way to go to convince me completely, but everyone can show their true colours in time of adversity, and it just may be that Jardine is stepping up when our club need him the most. Just Maybe!


I only know Jardine from his playing days and he was an arrogant player, but if you have it fluant it. But we have all sufered a bit of humility latley, maybe he has too.

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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I think he could do the same sort of job Paul McBride did for the Vermin, unofficial (official) spokesperson so to speak.


Spot on even if he was just an 'Advisor' to a PROPER Ibrox PR Dept that actually fought back (and had a legal threat to it), that in itself would give them the lead to take things further!


No longer can we sit back and let that lot set and control the agenda - we need serious people doing a professional job, if any wants to know what that is then read BOILING A FROG.

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