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Brian Kennedy At Ibrox Today

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Methinks a bit too much is made about his initial comments with regard of him being a "fall-back" option. I would assume that by now he has a clearer picture of it all and ... obviously ... his wife will make his life hell on Earth of he backs down too much ;)

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Sale Sharks owner Brian Kennedy steps up bid for Ibrox club


BRIAN KENNEDY stepped up his bid for Rangers yesterday when he arrived in Glasgow for a second round of face-to-face talks with manager Ally McCoist.


The multi-millionaire Hibs fan also held takeover discussions with administrator David Whitehouse of Duff and Phelps during a high-profile visit to Ibrox and Murray Park.


And sources close to the Sale Sharks owner told Record Sport last night that Kennedy’s visit can be taken as an indication he is finally ready to shake off his “reluctant saviour” tag and make a major push for control of the stricken SPL champions.


So far Kennedy has insisted publicly that he will only step in as some sort of last resort should he feel the club is not being passed over to safe hands.


But he has been sending out a very different message during discussions with McCoist and the administrators.


In fact, sources close to Kennedy confirmed last night he has been “on the ground” in Glasgow since Monday working feverishly on his offer to remove the club from the clutches of shamed owner Craig Whyte.


Kennedy has also been making plans for how to run the club after a successful bid and it’s believed his close pal Graeme Souness, the former Rangers manager, is ready to come on board.


Yesterday Kennedy was given a look at what he might be buying when he joined Rangers manager McCoist for a tour of Ibrox Stadium and the club’s training complex at



A spokesman for Kennedy then confirmed to Record Sport: “Brian has visited Ibrox and Murray Park today which is part of the process. There is no further comment at this time.”


However, this latest development should not be regarded as a sign Kennedy is now in pole position in the race to take control at Ibrox.


On the contrary, all of the would-be bidders have been invited to clarify their initial indicative offers over the next few days.


A Chicago consortium involving the Club 9 Sports firm is also expected to hold similar talks in the next 24 hours.


Paul Murray, whose Blue Knights rescue mission remains the preferred option for the club’s three main supporters’ groups, spent Monday locked in discussions with the men from Duff and Phelps.


And he is expected to return to the negotiating table for further talks later this week. Administrators claim to have received a fourth offer, supposedly involving an unspecified British-based group, but details of this mysterious late move remain sketchy.


Kennedy’s visit was part of a busy morning for Whitehouse, who also had a breakfast meeting with CID officers.


The sitdown – revealed exclusively by Record Sport yesterday – saw police ask administrators to hand over documents they believe to be crucial in building a criminal case against Whyte.


Both the police and the administrators declined to comment when asked for details of the paperwork handed over.


Meanwhile, the nature of the landscape surrounding the four-way battle for control should become a great deal more clear before the end of the week.


Lord Hodge is expected to give guidance at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on whether or not Whyte’s £24.4million deal with Ticketus is legally sound.


In fact, it was anticipated that Lord Hodge might make a decision yesterday but, after hearing further submissions, he reserved his decision until tomorrow at the earliest.


It’s understood two of the current bidders for Rangers, including the most recent unnamed British group, have made it clear they will walk away from a deal if the Ticketus deal is proved to be watertight.


Ticketus and parent company Octopus have publicly backed Murray’s proposal.


And they could enter into a partnership with the Blue Knights if it is ruled in court their position is rock solid.



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However, this latest development should not be regarded as a sign Kennedy is now in pole position in the race to take control at Ibrox.


On the contrary, all of the would-be bidders have been invited to clarify their initial indicative offers over the next few days.


Sometimes you do wonder whether editors actually read what their reporters put in front of them. There is no reason to suggest that Kennedy is a front-runner, since we know next to no facts to his or the other people's bids. So no-one but the press has a go at making someone a front-runner. Likewise, you cannot claim that something is "to the contrary" of an assumption based on no facts at all.


And while we are at it, you do wonder (no, actually you do not) why there is constant need to tell us that Kennedy is a "Hibs fan" and only a "fall-back" action. Maybe I misread his initial statement, but I seem to remember that he's a Edinburgh lad who grew up a stone-throw away from Tynecastle and all his school-fellows were Jambos, so he decided to become a Hibee and hence was done a few times by his fellow pupils. IF he was a Hibee now, wouldn't you expect that he would help THEM instead of US, since they are looking rank rotten these past few years? It's like every article about Neil McCann would say: The Celtic-fan Neil McCann, who happened to play for Rangers bla bla ... Kindly ignoring that boyhood heroes are sometimes just that, BOYhood heroes?! Heck, I was a fan of ABBA once ...

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Well, driving home this evening I was actually thinking whether fame would get someone like Kennedy motivated too. I mean, he's got it all by now, but imagining that he could come up as the saviour of this old club in its 140th year of existence and thus immortalize him not only in our minds but also in the record books. Might somesuch not appeal to a single well-off businessman?

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I have to admit Kennedy seems, seems to have stepped up his own desire and interest in this.


Initially a fall-back crutch (his own words) he now seems to be genuinely interested in actually owning us in his own right, and not just as a 'favour' to us.


I get the feeling his Rangers-daft family have nudged him in this direction and given he seems to be a respectable individual who's had a fairly robust career so far, we could probably do a lot worse.


The last 2 days have made him my personal choice of all the confirmed bids. Which isn't hard given the other 2 are the controversial Blue Knights and this questionable consortium from Chicago.

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HONOURS on the park — and honour off it.

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Brian Kennedy would restore both if he gains control at crisis-hit Rangers.


That's the view of Sale Sharks chief executive Steve Diamond — a man who's worked with the potential Ibrox saviour for over ten years.


Diamond paints an idyllic picture of trust, transparency and togetherness.


It's a far cry from the scenes of carnage left behind by Craig Whyte.


Kennedy, 51, is one of four confirmed bidders for the stricken SPL champions and Diamond insists his gaffer's drive and desire would see Rangers emerge from these uncertain times stronger than ever before.


Diamond revealed: "I'll tell you straight about Brian, he's a very, very honourable bloke. His agenda is genuine.


"I've worked for him and against him and I know that to be true. I've heard about the situation at Rangers, but Brian is the opposite of what's gone before.


"He's open, honest and driven to succeed. He'd be terrific for Rangers and their fans and I have no qualms about saying that.


"He's so passionate about everything he's involved in. He's such a busy man.


"In fact, with everything he's got going on I had to queue to see him.


"You don't p*** about when you've got that 20 minute window to see him.


"His business acumen speaks for itself. He makes me run this business in Manchester the right way.


"Very rarely do I go to him for a hand out. In the next 18 months he's looking for us to break even and make a profit."


Diamond's worked for Edinburgh-born Kennedy for 13 years.


Together they've taken Sale Sharks from the depths of despair to among the top dogs in rugby's Aviva Premiership.


They had a brief spell apart when Diamond took up the role of head coach at Saracens, but they're united again with Sale securing Scotland ace Richie Gray and Danny Cipriani for next season.


It's little wonder the Rangers fans are beginning to sit up and take notice of Kennedy.


Diamond confessed: "When I left Sale, I left over the direction of the club, but we could never fall out.


"That was shown because he asked me to return — and I did."


SunSport revealed yesterday that Kennedy had been given a tour of Ibrox and Murray Park by Gers boss Ally McCoist.


The pair have become good friends after Kennedy vowed to rescue Rangers if no one else stepped forward.


Others — like Paul Murray's Blue Knights and Club 9 Sports in America — have, but Kennedy remains at the negotiating table.


Kennedy insists he's still very much on the subs bench, but behind the scenes there is a real feeling he's cranking up his interest.


Diamond insists that can only be a good thing for the club.


Back in 2007, Kennedy pledged financial support to Kate and Gerry McCann in the search for their daughter Madeleine.


Diamond explained: "He does things for the right reasons. For as long as I've known him that's how he's worked.


"What he did with his ongoing support of the McCann family just highlights that.


"He wasn't publicity seeking. He came in because he knew he could help.


"It's the same with his bid for Rangers. He'll only come in if they need help."


That's exactly what Kennedy has given Diamond at Sale — help.


Diamond smiled: "I've worked with Brian on and off for the past 13 years.


"Brian is the owner but I have full licence to recruit people. He has a voice, and he's a very welcome presence in the dressing room.


"He lets me get on with my job. I'll tell you another thing, he's always there for the players. They have a direct line to him and they can call him any time.


"He's brilliant in the process of recruiting players. I'll identify who I want and he'll pick up the phone and sell the club to them."


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4212582/Shark-in-a-goldfish-bowl-It-would-be-GREAT-for-Gers.html#ixzz1pvSfpHb0

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