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Does what happened to Stockport County mean this is our fate?.....because Stockport no longer own the ground, all profits including conferencing and banqueting go 100% to Sale Sharks parent company Cheshire Sports, making the opportunity for Stockport County to make revenue from the ground even more restrictive.

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I've been reading all the arguements for and against the bidders, the Blue Knights, Kennedy etc.


It sometimes reads like politicians trying to sway people into voting for a certain party/bidder. What is laughable is that some who know best now, supported Whyte till the bitter end.


But that is one thing that is certain in this whole drama, we the supporters will not be consulted.

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Does what happened to Stockport County mean this is our fate?.....because Stockport no longer own the ground, all profits including conferencing and banqueting go 100% to Sale Sharks parent company Cheshire Sports, making the opportunity for Stockport County to make revenue from the ground even more restrictive.


It depends on the figues involved. If the ground generates £100,000 pa but it was sold for £5m then it's a good deal for Stockport County. If it generates £2million and it was sold for £5m then it's a bad deal.


It may be a bit simplistic to assume that the club is worse off just because they have sold their ground.

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So far Murray and Kennedy have been the frontrunners and clear favourites among the club’s fans.


But Record Sport understands that, as of late yesterday afternoon, neither of them were the automatic first choice for the administrators.


In fact, the Americans may have muscled their way into position ‘A’ by outbidding the rest in terms of cash they have promised to put into the pot for a potential CVA.


Little is known about this group but Record Sport can reveal it is being bankrolled by a team of four individuals and has secured the financial backing of Club 9 Sports parent company Prometheus Capital Partners who describe themselves as “turnaround specialists”.


Club 9 Sports have experience in basketball, baseball and ice hockey but have been looking to get a foothold in British football over the last two years. Their business plan is based on tapping into the lucrative US market and also forging links with clubs in the MLS.


But they failed in attempted takeovers at Sheffield Wednesday and Tranmere and, after the carnage left behind by the Whyte regime, the prospect of more “turnaround specialists” walking in through the front doors is likely to be a source of major concern.


Duff and Phelps face a difficult decision as, while their first duty is to salvage as much money as possible for the club’s creditors, they will also want be certain they do not cause any further damage by backing the wrong horse.




Perhaps Kennedy doesn't sound so bad.

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"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns - there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns - that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."

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Snatched from FF, source to be added as soon as I find it ... (Do note the negative headline ahead of a rather positive article!)


BRIAN KENNEDY once lost his livelihood while watching Rangers at Ibrox.


And it wasn’t during a game against Hibs either.


This was a European match in November 1979 when Valencia, whose team included Mario Kempes and Rainer Bonhof, took Rangers to school.


It also taught Kennedy, a young wheeler and dealer of just 19, a valuable lesson – never leave your car parked with valuables in Govan’s “Wine Alley”.


Thirty two and a half years later Kennedy was back at Ibrox on Wednesday and this time he went in through the front door and climbed the marble staircase to discuss a possible takeover.


But this was by no means his first return. The man he was with that night in 79, his brother-in-law Robert Gray, is at pains to point that out. Kennedy might not have been born a Rangers fan but nor is he the dyed-in-the-wool Hibs supporter he is made out to be.


Robert, whose sister Christine married Kennedy 30 years ago, now lives in Rome but has been back this week on family business and makes no bones about it.


He is a Rangers fan through and through and would love nothing more than his millionaire in-law to be the successful bidder in the battle for control of the club.


Kennedy was back in Cheshire yesterday attending to a family matter but will return to Glasgow over the weekend to watch Sunday’s Old Firm game.


It won’t be his first either. The 52-year-old owner of Sale Sharks has been to plenty in the past and it seems the family is keen to get the message across that he’s not a hard-nosed businessman who sees an ailing Rangers as an opportunity to make a fast buck.


Kennedy’s strategy has been to declare himself as the fallback option if the club’s administrators have nowhere else to go.


His brother-in-law insists this is no smokescreen from the man who was his pal before they became relatives. But he knows Kennedy well enough to recognise he will channel all his energies into making a success of Rangers if he gets his hands on it.


Gray said: “Brian goes into everything wholeheartedly. He isn’t playing a game by acting like the reluctant hero willing to ride to the rescue if all else fails.


“That’s just how he feels about the situation. One misconception is that he’s a diehard Hibs fan so why be interested in Rangers?


“He chose Hibs because he went to Tynecastle school in Edinburgh and wanted to be different from all the Hearts fans.


“But from his late teenage years he spent far more time at Ibrox than Easter Road. He had to because he was with me and all my family who are Rangers fans.


“He was spending a lot of time with my sister so he came to the Rangers games and became more and more attached to the club.


“He’s not a badge kisser and doesn’t want to be seen as such. But he has a far closer affinity to Rangers than people realise.”


He could have been forgiven for never setting foot back inside Ibrox after his experience at the Valencia game though.


Robert added: “We smile about it now but it wasn’t funny then. Brian parked his Vauxhall in the Wine Alley near the ground. That was a bit naive. His car was filled with Sanyo digital watches which were just coming into fashion.


“After the game, which Rangers lost 3-1, we got back to the car to find the windows kicked in.


“He lost everything. That was his trade at the time. He was just riding any wave that came along and at that time digital watches were the in-thing.


“That was a low ebb for him but he went on to work as a salesman with a fitted kitchen company on Cambuslang Road then became an area manager and eventually bought the company and went from strength to strength. But that night was rock bottom.”


Clearly he’s over it. He wouldn’t be devoting his time and money to buying the club otherwise. But if successful he will adopt a hard-nosed business-like approach to getting Rangers back on the rails.


Gray added: “If Brian gets the club he’ll run it with a budget and see it as his business. But he’ll do his damnedest to turn it around and he can succeed.


“He was at Ibrox on Wednesday and came out awestruck. He described it as a ‘temple’, said it was ‘spinetingling’.


“An emotional attachment is happening. He’s already attached to what he’s seeing and feeling. He spends far more time in Glasgow than Edinburgh.


“It’s like an arranged marriage. It’s technically arranged but once you get close to the other party you get emotionally attached and that’s what is happening to Brian.


“He’s beginning to get passionately, emotionally involved in this.


“Brian WILL bale Rangers out. He WILL come to their aid if he is asked to do so.


“However, if the selection process reveals Brian is not the man he will reluctantly divorce his emotions from the situation and get on with his life.”


There is major speculation that Kennedy would bring back Graeme Souness in some capacity. His brother-in-law says nothing to suggest otherwise.


He said: “ They are pretty pally and similar types of characters.Their wives are buddies too. But Graeme wouldn’t need persuading.”


Robert added: “Brian isn’t looking for a medal. He just wants to help.”


The things some people will do to keep in with the in-laws.

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Guest Dutchy
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns - there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns - that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."


The pooint is not lost that we're quoting American secretary's of state mumbo jumbo remimds me of a spoof movie about the take over of an American football team. The film is called "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and it was about the fight between 2 media moguls to own said football team.


Between the both of their fighting, many people were destroyed in the wake of these 2 batteling each other, which ended up with them both agreeing to go for joint owenership. They continued to remain rich. possibly richer, and everyone else was fecked.


But, as we all know, money is what we've been told is success in this world, so we should support everybody that wants a part of Rangers. We just have to accept whatever comes from the "markets" machinations.


In case anyone is missing my point, I'm being sarcastic, even though I'm not saying anything of substance really. Another consequence of moneid people running he world.

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