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Statement From RST

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Whether we support the RST or not, I thought it worth posting.


Supporters demand fair play in Scottish Premier League investigation



The Rangers Supporters Trust has urged the SPL to delay investigations into Rangers contractual issues until the club exits administration to ensure it receives a fair hearing.


The Trust made the request in a letter to SPL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster after it emerged the club's administrators, Duff and Phelps, are to provide them with documentation and information concerning the payment and registration of Rangers players from 1998 until the present day.


Trust Chairman Gordon Dinnie said:


â??Proceeding with this investigation while the club is not adequately equipped to defend itself will turn this whole process into a 'kangaroo court'. Duff and Phelps main role is to ensure the club is managed through administration and comes out the other end a viable trading business, not contesting cases with the SPL. Thatâ??s why the SPL should take the fairest course of action and delay this investigation until the club is in a position to defend itself properly.â?


â??These allegations need to be investigated fairly and transparently but how can the club be expected to mount a robust case when it has no proper executive leadership and there is just enough money to see out the season? The football authorities should be giving Rangers the time and space to recover from their current predicament rather than engaging in a short term witch hunt at the whim of any individual.â?


â??Also there is a major concern as to the impartiality and potential conflict of interests in the selection of Harper & MacLeod as the solicitors to investigate the spurious claims being made against our club. It would appear that Harper & MacLeod act as solicitors of those who would benefit from any potential punishment meted out to our club. We are sure most impartial people would agree with us that this on the face of it is an unacceptable conflict of interest and for this reason we reiterate our call for the SPL to rethink this decision and delay any investigation.â?


â??We are not looking for special treatment, just fair play.â?


The Rangers Supporters Trust has requested a meeting with Neil Doncaster to discuss these issues in more detail.

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I actually e-mailed the RST for questioning the SPL's choice of lawyers a couple of days ago. Not that the SPL will change anything on that, but we should keep a wary look at this. Matter of fact, I'd like to inform UEFA about the current going on's anyway. There is so much negativity oozing out of the media and the noises from the SFA and SPL are also pretty negative, usually only towards us, so that impartiality can't IMHO not be guaranteed.

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Guest Dutchy

If it wasn't thought of by Regan and liewell first, it will probably be ignored, especially as it doesn't suit the present agenda.


Which is, "Get Rangers"!

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