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So Mr. Lennon let's get this straight, you were adamant that actions by the Ibrox security staff prompted the statement â??That sums up this country.â? Seems you basically lied to make a cheap comment that condems our great country

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Guest Dutchy

It's not as hard to believe as you might think at first. I'm sure this guy would be more than happy to start a civil war in this country.


But, as far as I know, nobody's forcing him to stay here? He can leave whenever he likes.

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So if you look at the pics of the directors box there are plenty of sellick folk there - Liewell being one of them. Do you think THEY (as in Liewell & Co) didn't want Lemon with them? Also, the Rangers players not playing were sat there too. Given the state Lemon got himself into, I believe Liewell & Co decided it was safer for EVERYONE for the exploding fruit to not be there.

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It's not as hard to believe as you might think at first. I'm sure this guy would be more than happy to start a civil war in this country.


But, as far as I know, nobody's forcing him to stay here? He can leave whenever he likes.


I'm sure there are more than a few who would love a "civil war" in this country. A brief look at the failed social worker's site would confirm the hatred he's been trying to stir up within Scotland's communities.

Lennon is the ideal "flagpole" on which this evil can be flown.

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I still don't get the bit about not being able to do his job. What could he do in the directors box that he couldn't do in the media room? It's not as if the players could hear him or had time to try and look for him for hand signals. He couldn't do his job because the broke the rules and got sent off.


If he's complaining against the ref then it's as stupid as a player saying they couldn't do their job because they were sent off...


Basically the problem is that he didn't want to allow the referee to do his job.


As for slurring our country - where does he get that from? It's completely making it up as there is no evidence he needed to be protected. It's like going to a Dublin pub, mouthing off and calling people names until they get riled then leave. Then saying that Ireland is a crap country due to your girlfriend advising you not to go back to the pub for your own safety.


So if I advise all of you not to go to Ireland for you own safety, then Ireland must be crap country full of shit people? Going by the same logic it must be true...


Actually, couldn't a "reasonable person" be offended at what he said as it is racist?

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Guest Dutchy

He was still sending messages via their goalkeeping coach, so that couldn't have been the problem.


Unless he's got a diffirent idea of his job to the rest of us.


Like winding up his teams fans into a frenzy by doing his monkey dance on the sidelines.

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