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SFA hit out at Rangers fans after meeting with Stewart Regan descends into farce

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It appears Regan is "off the hook" due to his lame actions...and accusations during and after the meeting.

Is this the last we are going to hear about this or is there more to come ?

Regan is way, way out of his depth in his position...even due to the fact that he's lawell's pal/fall guy.

Notwithstanding his "performance" at the meeting, his overall competence is way below the level required to be in the position he's occupies.

He even struggled working with a provincial cricket club ffs. yet here he is "running" our game at a time when our standing in world football has reached an all time low!!

Hardly the time to have a non football person forging a new path for our National game !!

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Until we see a transcript or minutes from the meeting at the very least we won't know why Regan thought it appropriate to walk out. I suspect the fans group may have overstepped the mark in the heat of the moment but would be happy to be proved wrong.

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Wonder if the working group will release their minutes?


Regan isn't to be trusted. He was like this when he was in charge of Yorkshire Cricket, and he still can't take criticism. Frankie will remember he got blocked by him on twitter for asking a straight forward question. He then went on a blocking spree (me included, all I did was call him a c***). And since the meeting isn't going the way he likes he walks out.


I just can't believe the press didn't pick up on this

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A report of the meeting will be released later today.


Safe to say that the SFA's version of events is about as accurate as Lennon's appraisal of a referee after a defeat.


Well hopefully the media will report it with the same amount of coverage as Regan's distorted version got

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He then went on a blocking spree (me included, all I did was call him a c***).


Do you really blame him for that? To be honest, in my opinion all you did was let down the reputation of Rangers fans with that tweet. No wonder he was blocking people if he was getting bombarded with stuff like that. That's the kind of stuff that disguises decent tweets like Frankie's. It ends up the wheat doesn't get sorted from the chaff...


Not impressed with you at all.

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This person has to do the decent thing and resign from the SFA.

Clubs are failing financially and there has been absolutely nothing put in place to reverse this sad state of affairs.

At this rate, the SFA will only be governing over a few Clubs as others are forced to make cutback after cutback. How much longer until Irvine Meadow, Talbot, etc. become the major teams? Lack of cash, decent players, sponsorship and interest in the SFA's "product" will lead to the best supported Clubs having no option but to play elsewhere.


He has been in post for almost 2 years now and has not only failed to do what he promised to do, he has managed to make things worse.


The SFA MUST get someone in place who, first of all, has experience of running a football club, has an appreciation of Scottish Culture, and, sound financial expertise. Regan has none of these and look at his achievements so far....zero !

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Do you really blame him for that? To be honest, in my opinion all you did was let down the reputation of Rangers fans with that tweet. No wonder he was blocking people if he was getting bombarded with stuff like that. That's the kind of stuff that disguises decent tweets like Frankie's. It ends up the wheat doesn't get sorted from the chaff...


Not impressed with you at all.


I agree calling him that reflected bad on Rangers fans, however I should point out that this was months and months before Frankie's, and was in relation to cricket, that I hope he didn't make a *** of himself at the SFA like he did at Yorkshire. I only noticed I was blocked after Frankie was.

Apologies, should have made that clearer in my post.

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