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You lot are just trying to gang up on Rangers

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WALTER SMITH last night launched an astonishing attack on the SPL's Gang of Ten.


The former Rangers boss let rip at the rebel clubs outside of the Old Firm vying for a change in the voting structure.


Under current league guidelines an 11-1 majority is needed to implement change.


But chairmen like Hibs' Rod Petrie and Dundee United's Stephen Thompson now want to change that.


Historically, Rangers and Celtic vote together, but with Gers in administration and facing an uncertain future, Smith insists the Gang of Ten have preyed on their position.


The ex-Ibrox gaffer said: "The other clubs in Scotland are not bothering about Europe, they are not bothering about anything other than some extra money.


"If you asked them what their concern is, it is not whether Scotland can handle the European situation, it is whether they get more money.


"They should come out and say it. The manner in which they have done it is entirely wrong.


"If they had faced up to Rangers when they were stronger, faced up to Rangers and Celtic when they were stronger, you'd have more admiration for them.


"But they have waited until one of them is in a weakened position and tried to take advantage of it and that sums up what the rest of them are like."


Celtic are also raging with the Gang of Ten — accusing them last week of a lack of respect.


The special general meeting is scheduled for April 12, with Smith slamming the intentions of the clubs outside the big two.


He stressed: "It is tough enough for Rangers and Celtic in the European environment.


"It is tough enough to keep Scotland up there. I think the people who are involved have seen an opportunity to obviously get more finance but if that happened, without a shadow of a doubt, it would impact on Rangers and Celtic.


"It would impact on our opportunities to get European success, so they have got a balance, if they want Scotland to have a European profile.


"If they do, then the circumstances we are in at the present moment is a difficult enough one for Rangers and Celtic to achieve that.


"Make no mistake — it doesn't matter what the rest of them do, the other ten can't argue about that — Rangers and Celtic are the ones that do have to carry that burden.


"And that burden is helped by extra TV money. Take that away and we are not going to have that in Scotland."


Smith landed a staggering 21 trophies, including ten titles, in two glory-laden spells in charge of his beloved Rangers.


At 63, he should be enjoying retirement with his feet up.


His conscience should be clear. But last night, for the first time, he spoke of his heartache for Ally McCoist — and his GUILT towards him.


Smith decided to quit Rangers long before Craig Whyte plunged the club into administration. But he insisted: "I do feel guilty. They had talked me into staying the year before, when it would probably have been better for them to take over in those circumstances.


"I arranged with David Murray that when he did sell the club that I would leave, I made the decision the previous November, so we had no idea then who was going to take over.


"The boys had been waiting a couple of years longer than they thought they would to get an opportunity. If you were asking if they would do the same thing again then yes they would.


"But from my own point of view I do feel guilty that I was leaving at that particular time, although none of us knew what was going to unfold."


Smith believes administration will be the making of McCoist the manager.


He added: "Rangers do need a level of investment in order to succeed on the pitch. Then you would be able to make a judgement on Alistair's own managerial record.


"The year's experience he has now will have made him experience things he might not have wanted to get involved with but it will have helped him greatly on the football side of things.


"I am sure Ally will have learned a lot. The aspects of tactics, training and all the different things — they're all there — it is the handling of people and situations which sometimes surprise you when you are new to management.


"His handling of this whole situation will be one which will stand him in good stead, although it might not seem like it at this moment. Very few managers anywhere have to deal with these circumstances.


"You wouldn't want to see it happen at any club, but much of the time when it happens it is at a smaller club where there is not the attention placed on Rangers.


"Ally has had to handle that. There is not anybody really who could help him or give him advice."


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4232337/You-lot-are-just-trying-to-gang-up-on-Rangers.html#ixzz1qmK1Z3PF

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