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Whyte Mouthing Off Again.

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alex thomson ‏ @alextomo

Craig Whyte " I bought Rangers for a pound when it was in a deep mess. I didn't make it any worse."


"I've been made a complete scape goat for the mismanagement of Rangers in the 15 years before I came along"


" going forward of course I need some presence on the board to generate fund to release my guarantee in the club"


The last one shows that he has no intention of going quietly.

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"Yet again Scottish Football Association is just looking for a scapegoat. I took no part in their process. I gave no documents"


" I could not release funds to HMRC if I'd wanted to because the banks froze the accounts"


. .

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Craig Whyte: â??I should have put club into administration in Octoberâ??

The embattled Rangers owner has spoken to STV News about administration, Ticketus, not paying the tax bill and how he is not to blame.

.24 April 2012 10:56 GMT



Rangers owner Craig Whyte has told STV News he should have put the club into administration four months before he did.


Mr Whyte, speaking a day after he was fined £200,000 and banned for life from â??any participationâ? in Scottish football by the Scottish Football Association for breaking SFA rules and bring the game into disrepute, said he should have put the club into administration in October.


Mr Whyte appointed administrators Duff and Phelps in February. The administrators are still trying to find a buyer for the club, with ex-Rangers director Paul Murrayâ??s Blue Knights consortium and American businessman Bill Miller bidding for the club.


On February 14, when the club went into administration, Duff and Phelps revealed the club had not paid £9m in PAYE and VAT since Mr Whyte took over in May 2011. When asked about this non-payment, Mr Whyte responded: "We had £4m frozen at the bank.


"We took advice at the time to wait until the January transfer window (before we paid PAYE, VAT etc) but perhaps we should have put it into administration in October before the debt built up but itâ??s not a decision to take lightly.


"We were in regular dialogue with HMRC (Her Majestyâ??s Revenue and Customs) and at one stage they asked us not to go into administration."


Mr Whyte also said he had no preference over Mr Millerâ??s bid or that of the Blue Knights and insisted that his arrival at Rangers did not make things worse for the club.


He said: â??Nobody has spoken to me about this (the bids) since Friday. Iâ??m willing to talk to anybody whoâ??s interested. What everybody is missing here is that when I bought the club for £1, it was a mess long before I bought it. I certainly havenâ??t made things any worse.


"Itâ??s a difficult time at the moment but the problems existed long before I took over. To blame me for everything is absurd."


Asked about the prospect of Rangers being liquidated, he commented: "I would really hope not, but the SFA havenâ??t been helpful. The administration process has taken longer than it should have done.


"I donâ??t think I made anything worse than it already was. I took decisive action to put the club into administration which should have been the solution to all the problems."


Mr Whyte struck a £25.3m deal with the ticketing agency for just over 100,000 Ibrox season tickets until 2015. The Rangers owner earlier admitted using £18m of that money to wipe out the clubâ??s debt with Lloyds Banking Group, essentially allowing him to complete his takeover last year.


On the Ticketus situation, he added: "There was all sorts of advice given back then, from three sets of lawyers, financial advisors, the advice was that it wasnâ??t financial assistance. Iâ??m not a legal expert but I took the advice of legal advisors.


"Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Iâ??m not used to dealing with the glare of publicity. With hindsight everything should have been put out into the open from day one. But we are where we are. Iâ??m dealing with the rest of my life. If anybody wants to talk to me they know where I am."


Mr Whyte, in his interview with STV News, did not add to comments he made about the SFAâ??s decision on Monday night to fine him, the club, impose a lifetime ban on him and ban the club from registering players for 12 months.


He told Press Association Sport: "Tell me how it is going to affect me? I couldn't care less. It makes no difference to my life whatsoever - and good luck collecting the money. It's a joke.


"It is very harsh on Rangers. I am surprised at how harsh the SFA have been on a club which is going through tough times at the moment.


"Stewart Regan (chief executive) and Campbell Ogilvie (president) should resign and get out of Scottish football. The SFA want to kick Rangers when they are down and I hope people remember that. They are playing to the media."

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