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John Bennett Withdraws from The Blue Knights Consortium

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I will say, from the outset here, that I think BH made a grave error of judgement inposting the initial thread as well as the subsequent thread that we are all now replying to. I will also from the outset openly admit to this being a rant. I will readily admit that some will disagree with me. But.....finally, will admit that this subsequent post is one of absolute and utter disgust at how low we as a support can go (not all of us, not a majority of us, but a minority of us are, SIMPLY, displaying "Tim-like" behaviour - and I ABHOR that term on a Rangers forum).


However, I will also say that from the limited interaction I have had with him I think that it is very clear he is ONE OF US and his initial reaction to his conversation with Bennett's superiors, misguided or otherwise, was to simply make fellow Rangers fans, aware of the fact that PAUL MURRAY (and lets not be kidded here, the REAL person at issue here is not BH but Paul Murray - and I await the usual nonsense to detract from TBK -PAUL MURRAY is the person who openly touted John Bennett long before Bennett confirmed himself as a member of TBK) was telling mis-truths.


And I will, right now, go on record as challenging Paul Murray to confirm to the Rangers support at large.... yes, Paul, tell us, when you PUBLICY touted John Bennett, had Mr Bennette actually confirmed his inclusion in TBK to you ? Or did you want to name-drop a "Heavy hitter" to somehow solidify your credibility.


See, I find it incredulous that we are concentrating on BH "outing" Bennett whilst giving Paul Murray a FREE RIDE for name-dropping someone who, simply, HAD MADE NO COMMITMENT to TBK's.


Think about that for a second. We are blaming BH for telling us what we all want to know. Have we, and I deft anyone to deny this, not been asking for transparency ? So.... the TBK's come along, and we like that they are the SAME AS US, so we trust them. So, they are transparent, which is what we want. But, what they DONT tell us, is that their transparency is, at the very best, premature ? Is that really what we want ?


I absolutely understand that people have raw emotions. I also understand people thinking BH caused Bennett to withdraw from the TBK bid - for the record, I disagree, I simply cannot believe that BH is such a significant client of Henderson's OR Bennett's that he alone could cause JB's withdrawal. But each to their own to determine just how influential BH is.


However, and this is where my true ire, frustration, anger and disgust emanates from. And if you disagree fine, so be it. But I always felt that through this whole sorry episode of administration that, at some point, WE (yes WE, Rangers fans, ONE AND ALL) could find some common ground, a sense of being, a togetherness to accept each other's failings, knowing full well that we ALL have nothing but the best interests of the club at heart.


Now, lets not forget that when BH initially raised this issue that none of us had any idea how far this situation would go. It was a case, at that time, of trying to find out who the interested parties were - and we probably ALL felt that we would have a buyer and we would move on.


But for me to get home to the private message I got this evening absolutely disgusts me. Whether you agree or disagree with what BH did by way of outing Paul Murray as a "non-confirmed" member of TBK's or not - any right-thinking BEAR should feel nothing but utter contempt for the fact that he has now been subjected to the following :


  • Threats of violence (inclusing knee-capping)
  • Threats to harm hhis business
  • Pictures of him posted
  • Business address posted
  • Seat at Ibrox named
  • What would happen if he shows up at Ibrox (work it out, not difficult)


On top of this the police have advised BH not to respond to this thread, which he will obviously adhere to, they have advised he not post at all for a period (which he will adhere to, and some on here will be happy with, sadly enough), they have advised that he not attend the game on Sunday (a guy who has supported Rangers home and away for DECADES), has been advised not to travel to, or leave, matches on his own, and Rangers are currently considering moving his seat.


Now, I am absolutely convinced that some will say "You deserve all you get".


But think for just one moment.


This is someone who, in his mind (and we can disagree, which is fine), felt that the Rangers fans deserved to know that Paul Murray was not being completely open, up-front and honest about John Bennett's inclusion or otherwise in the YBK consortium.


Now, I understand people being in disagreement with BH over his actions. It has been discussed ad nauseum.


But I challenge EVERY SINGLE RANGERS SUPPORTER to not find it absolutely ABHORRENT to see the above, to see the personal threats, to see the professional threats, to see how ONE OF US is being forced away from attending his second home - simply because we disagree with him.


The irony is not lost on me how his professional life is being threatened by people who think he threatened Rangers professional existence.


At a time we see the game's governing body as being unfair towards us, we think it is fair to attempt to ruin a FELLOW BEAR'S professional reputation, his livelihood and, ultimately, his life.


It is, quite simply, FUCKING APPALLING that we have come to this.


Really.... do we REALLY think, given all of this, that Celtic fans are worse than us ?


I am, frankly, a fucking disgusted Rangers fan right now. And dont for a minute think that this comes down to me supporting BH - I think he was wrong with what he did. I think, though, that his reasoning, whilst being ill-advised, was intended to be for the BENEFIT of Rangers fans.


But now he is being physically threatened. Yes, we are better than Celtic fans.... My fucking arse.


I am disgusted, astounded, appalled and , frankly, cannot believe that WE, yes WE RANGERS fans, could act in such a manner to one of our own.


I dont expect everyone to agree to the above. But I will say, that any right-minded BEAR should be fucking appalled at the treatment being meted out to one of our own.


To paraphrase from Mark Dingwall yesterday when he said "We are unified.... as soon as we knew it was between Miller & TBK any TRUE Bear knew what side to be on".....


Well, using that terminology : "Any TRUE Bear will be absolutely appalled at the treatment of BH and be absolutely abhorred that WE could treat, and worse, THREATEN one of our own in such a manner".


I maybe need to take a break from the forum (but wont) - but the treatment of BH is frankly appalling.


Any right-minded Bear, agree or disagree with what BH has done, would feel the same way.


He is one of us. He hurts the same as we do. Yet we see it as being "fair game" to chase him away from his second home ? How would any of us feel about that ?


I just find it simply incredible that we are ALL screaming out for unity - and then, rather than aim towards that we attempt to completely RUIN one of our own without any regard for the POSSIBILITY of the reasons for his actions. No, whilst we all complain that the SFA are passing down draconian sanctions to us as a club we find it to be appropriate, as a support, to basically try to ruin a fellow Bear. If I am the only one who sees the sheer and utter hypocrisy in that statement then I truly despair and completely give up on the idea that we can be a unified support.


The type of actions described above we like to describe as being typical of the "Celtic Family" or "TGFITW" - but certainly not the type of treatment we expect of one of our own. And whether we agree with his actions or not we should be ashamed and appalled at this treatment of one of our own fans, one of the "Rangers Family".



Edited by craig
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Guest Cooler
Most of the posters having a go just joined up to gersnet for that reason mate...they'll be gone as fast as lemmons treble.


Your right i joined up to see what the fuss is about and im lost for words,Its unbeleavable what bh has done and i cant get my head round bears backing him

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BH had information that suggested PM was being less than honest. Whether you disagree or not about how the information was gained, NO-ONE should have threats made against their life/family.


This is the most disgusted I have ever been as a Rangers fan & I really don't know what to say.


I think both threads should be closed & deleted & put to bed.

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Due to a variety of external issues, the admin team decided to close this thread.


I think most people have had their say on the issue and there's a big difference from valid criticism and a witch-hunt.

Edited by Frankie
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