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The RST told us to 'keep our powder dry'

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What an unmitigated disaster that was !!!


Pledges were useless. We needed hard cash input - not a f.ucking website to show that we 'could' raise xxx amount.


yet again I feel the RST have let us down big time.


Our fanbase is huge and potentially could have financially supported a takeover.


To not use this power was criminal.


Thanks for literally nothing RST !!

Edited by MoodyBlue
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I don't think it's correct to start blaming people.


While I think the fan organisations were wrong to back one horse so strongly, they will only have made up their mind based on the info available to them.


In essence, we were always going to be powerless to stop any D&P decision.

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If someone has the courage to take the bull by the horns and ask the fans to contribute to a fund to Rescue the Rangers, i'm sure they would get the mass support to give their money to save our club from liquidation. Even if we are to late now, we can still stop Rangers assets from being sold off to people with no love for our club. If only someone with the knowledge and acumen to get this fund off the ground.

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I said at the outset the problem with the RST's involvement was their most prominent member's close association with the unfortunate episodes in the RST's past. I couldn't see how this particular individual, with his unfortunate knack of making enemies among his fellow-supporters, could ever hope to unite fans behind him. As it happened, the bigger problem turned out to be the RST's association with one romantically attractive but ultimately unrealistic bid. The RST slavishly backed not just TBK but specifically Paul Murray, fawningly so. The RST rubbished every other bidder. This served to make Bears suspicious of TBK. So the poster is right; if Miller gets the gig, the RST have effectively achieved nothing.


On the subject of the RST, where was their public condemnation of racist tweets aimed at Kyle Bartley? They were quick enough to give an interview to 5 Live when another club's manager was alegedly sent parcel bombs last year. Why so shy, guys?


Oh and hi everyone, I'm 3909 04.

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I don't think it's worth playing the blame game, folks.


The RST are first to admit they're not perfect but I don't think they contributed to the failure of the TBK bid.

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I don't think anybody is blaming the RST for anything to do with the apparent failure of any bid but it needs to be said that backing one bid so vehemently and indulging in rubbishing the rival bids hasn't done anything to persuade me that they were acting purely for the good of the club. While the perception exists that a seat on the board was offered for support of the BK's I don't think my opinion is going to change.


I cringe when I hear Spiers going on about the paltry size of our Supporters Trust when compared to other "big" clubs but he is right, we need to be moving towards a single impartial yet influential Supporters Trust. It's one of the features of this saga for me, how disjointed our fan base is and how we could have been a much more powerful voice had we been properly united as a fan base.


I'm a member of the RST and support the recent good work in establishing unity with the other fan groups but it's really too little too late.

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I don't think it's worth playing the blame game, folks.


The RST are first to admit they're not perfect but I don't think they contributed to the failure of the TBK bid.


It's not really a question of blame. I just don't believe the vehemently pro-TBK/pro-Murray line adopted by an influential Rangers site and the gleeful elimination of any dissenting voices raised helped TBK bid one bit; quite the reverse.


I would also question whether the disproportionately prominent role in TBK bid played by that web-site's owner helped the bid; again, I would suggest not.


Not so much blame, just stating my personal observations.

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I think that's a fair point.


The last few months should have seen the Trust membership rise ten fold (or more). While fan apathy is always a fair reason for that not happening, the Trust should ask itself why they're not seen as the default fan leaders they should have been (and could still be).

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