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RTC Blogger to be revealed soon?

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Surely the fact that they are peddling rumours means we should ignore it. What good will become of revealing their i.d.? I can only see more negative headlines coming from this


Tell a lie long enough and all that? Thats what this mob are famous for. Rewriting history.

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Lifted from FF




Ever since it became apparent that Rangers had an issue with HMRC over "The Big Tax Case", the Rangers Tax Case blog has been one constant source of information on Rangers' affairs. In fact, it has been at the forefront of information about the tax case, and numerous other problems at Ibrox.


Going through the archives it becomes apparent that, while the site was primarily set up to cover the tax case, it also made a huge deal on leading the investigations by the Celtic Minded obsessives about the dealings and background of Craig Whyte.


Starting in March 2011, the blog has received awards, acclaim after acclaim and "real" journalists of a Celtic persuasion have been falling over themselves to tell the world just how good it is.


What has always been rather odd is the secrecy and anonymity of the blogger, or bloggers behind the site.


Despite the fact that many anti-Rangers journalists are free to go about their business without fear or favour, the RTC blog has remained shrouded under a veil of secrecy.


Despite numerous requests from "mainstream" journalists for interviews on radio stations and newspapers, the stance of anonymity has been resolute.


The question is, why?


If Graham Spiers (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) or Phil Gillivan can spend every waking hour attacking Rangers without any come back, why should those behind the RTC be any different?


I could probably fill this page alone with anti-Rangers activists masquerading as writers, bloggers or journalists who have no worries about undertaking their work under their real identity


It does seem strange doesn't it?


Given that VB has been the site responsible for uncovering the works of Gillivan and his friend Kieron Brady, we have been contacted on a number of occasions by people claiming to know the identity of the RTC blogger.


As we here at VB are VERY thorough, we always check the claims out comprehensively and have to say most of these claims never go anywhere, are not credible enough to work with, and are certainly not fit to publish.


On this occasion though, the information was credible from the off.


We received some screen shots of some interesting dialogue that took place on Twitter, dialogue which appears to have uncovered one of the brains behind the blog.


Who is he?


Mark Leiser of Newton Mearns, Glasgow.


The interesting Twitter conversation is below, where Leiser does not deny his involvement, and in fact looks to be defending the blog, specifically how it was (and is) produced.




Could he be the man?


He then threatens Willhelm with defamation in an attempt to intimidate him in to silence, despite Willhelm simply asking a question.


Leiser could simply have denied any involvement, and categorically stated that the blog had done nothing illegal, from his experience in law. That may, however, have implied some illegality from inside HMRC which is a distinct possibility.


Simply stating that the much talked about Rangers Tax Case blog is run by Leiser would be easy, even if slightly misleading. What is 100% certain is that he contributes, and is in daily contact with a small but very influential group of Celtic supporters including the RTC twitter account.


Our understanding is that Leiser is part of a collaborative group who contribute, but his activity on Twitter prior to the drawing out exercise pointed at him being not just an outsider contributing, but being at the hub of a lot of the activity connected to the site.


What is more interesting is the network of people he is connected to.


Leiser spent last summer working for the very well known Scots Lawyer Aamer Anwar.




Of course there is no suggestion that Anwar knew about Leiser's involvement in the blog, or indeed that Anwar's legal and personal friend, the late Paul McBride, had any knowledge of it. The prospect of Celtic's former lawyer McBride having any knowledge or link to this blog is one I daren't comprehend.


While Leiser worked for Anwar last year, his relationship with him didn't die completely once he left, with him recently accompanying Anwar to the Leveson enquiry






Leiser also apparently condones the illegal activity of the pirating website "The Pirate Bay", which is now banned by all the major ISPs in the UK




Interestingly, one of his posts on his Google+ account has been deleted by Google, due to breaking US law. Not good form for a lawyer.


His own background is also very interesting. He's been a busy man.


Not only has he lived in some interesting places, he's also had the time to run a few businesses, with one of them definitely dissolved.


He also has more than one Director Registration.








Isn't it Ironic that the RTC made such a big play of Craig Whyte having several Director Registrations, don't you think?


His current firms are MRL trading, and Vision Electronika






One can only hope that these firms are squeaky clean and are up to date with HMRC contributions.


Vision Electronika claims to be a manufacturer of electrical equipment, but its postal address is at a "Mail Boxes Etc." shop in Shawlands, Glasgow. Isn't that odd?


What is predictable is that Mark's social network includes some familiar names, from Phil Mac Giolla Bhain AKA Phil Gillivan/O'Gorman/McGillivan, to Gregory Ioannidis who is a high profile sports lawyer, to the Anarchic "Anonymous" organisation, to David Hillier the finance expert, to the BBC's Chris McLaughlin.


Hillier, who has successfully positioned himself in the Scottish media as a seemingly genuine objective observer on Rangers situation is an intriguing character. We'll return to him in future.


We'll also return to various strands of both Leiser's network, and the network of anti-Rangers activists involved in various other blogs and websites.


I could go on, but I'll leave that to Scotland's many "investigative" journalists that the RTC slates for being lazy. Perhaps the much lampooned "main stream media", will actually show Leiser and co just how thorough they can be.


Maybe Leiser will appreciate the investigative talents of *************, because we have only just started.


The work is done. All we need to do now is publish when we see fit.


that address in 145 kilmarnock road is the same one for the digger magazine .

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I'm sorry but I still feel this is playing into the hands of our enemies. Ok say these names are legit and they published (along with address details). What are we meant to do with this info? Bombard their business'/houses with pitchforks and torches?


When someone gets doxed, hookers and rent boys are a fav to send to their doors :D

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I'm sorry but I still feel this is playing into the hands of our enemies. Ok say these names are legit and they published (along with address details). What are we meant to do with this info? Bombard their business'/houses with pitchforks and torches?


Bombarding organisations to get us into trouble is what they do sadly. Uefa, The Daily Rhags, Phone Ins, SFA, SPL, the Police.....everyone.

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Guest BarrheadBear

Why are HMRC not investigating this site to determine where the blogger is getting his info


The blogger is breaking the law as much as the person breaking the official secrets act by passing this info on

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Why are HMRC not investigating this site to determine where the blogger is getting his info


The blogger is breaking the law as much as the person breaking the official secrets act by passing this info on


Exactly. if they are so proud of their Blog why do they hide themselves away could it be because they know that they are receiving confidential information from the Tax which should lead to jail time for them and the Employee releasing details of our Tax case.


Or do they prefer the cowards way like the Filthy Ira scum they laud in their songs.

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