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Klinsmann support act

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JURGEN KLINSMANN has revealed how heâ??s helped Carlos Bocanegra and Mo Edu through their Rangers anguish.


The German legend is USA boss now with the two Gers men key members of his squad.


And he admits he has given the pair guidance amid the uncertainty at Ibrox.


Klinsmann said: â??We talk constantly to Mo and Carlos about the Rangers situation because it is worrying for them. I have spent time on the phone with them discussing it and hopefully a solution for the problems can be found because Rangers is such a huge club, with such a great tradition, that it cannot be allowed to disappear.


â??I hope it is resolved as soon as possible, but from our side it is important that whenever they switch over and come into our environment, they concentrate on their jobs here.


â??They are managing to do that.


â??Iâ??m not worried at all about Carlos and Mo.


â??They are playing at the highest level in Scotland with a massive club.


â??There have been discussions about the quality of the Scottish league for decades and there has been talk of Scottish clubs joining the English leagues.


â??If that were to happen, Celtic and Rangers would be strong enough to go into straight into the English Premier League.


â??Obviously, it is up to Scottish FA and the Scottish League about what they do, but I donâ??t see any difference whether Carlos and Mo play in the English Premier League or in Scotland.â?


Rangers donâ??t have European football to look forward to next season, and Klinsmann admIts that's a blow to him.


He said: â??As a national team coach, you would like them to be playing in these competitions.


â??Weâ??ll live with that, but the better competition they have, it helps our national team programme.â?


Klinsmann expects a tough test from Craig Leveinâ??s Scotland in Jacksonville but warned: â??Itâ??s important for us because now it is getting really serious. We have two World Cup qualifying games coming up.â?


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/4339253/Klinsmann-support-act.html#ixzz1vvgKGsKR

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