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Radio Clyde and Rangers Supporters

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Saw this on FF and thought it would be of interest.



I have been invited to Bauer media groups forum tonight and would like to gather opinion from fellow rangers fans on the perception of superscoreboard to enlighten the pr people at this event. I could be wrong by thinking that most Rangers fans would rather listen to any other show than this one.


This was posted afterwards



Format was 6 bears (all from FF I believe).

One guy from marketing company - very professional allowed us all an input.

2 guys from Bauer Media who sat at the back and observed taking notes. (one I would say by appearance was from a fairly senior role)


Opened with introductions - name, age, occupation and favourite football match.


First real chance to fire a few bullets - Blank sheet on a flip pad shout out the first thing that springs to mind regards Super Scoreboard, Not one single positive or even neutral word was uttered. All negative and savaging.


Same for Real Radio - Overall feeling from that was more humour and balance but had got worse since McGuire had joined.


Radio Scotland - Anti Rangers in the whole but more professional, less humour and Traynor seen as (although an arse at times) as someone who could at times was not afraid to bring balance to a debate - Something completely lacking in Clyde.


We then went on to talk about perceived bias at Clyde - The fact that every frontman in the last 10 - 15 years has been significantly Celtic minded and set the tone / agenda. Keevins, Spiers, Guidi et al were given their character in no uncertain terms. The fact that any attempt to bring balance was in the form of ex Rangers bit part players who were not passionate nor strong enough to fight their corner.


We covered the shows perceived agenda, the ratio of callers, the condescending and arrogant attitude from certain individuals. The impression that they are shit scared to cross Lawwell, Bad Rangers = discussion where as bad Celtic = Lets talk football.


Nothing was left out - way too much to list everything.


They played us a few clips - quite honestly I felt this was totally irrelevant to the discussion (probably because the market researcher seriously

underestimated the volume of negativity) Time wasted IMHO


Finished off with "If you were the MD of Clyde what would you do to change the format if your job depended on it" Various answers all along the same lines that there needs to be a clean sweep - an undeniably strong neutral front man and the caller topic selection needs to change now.


They were left in no uncertain terms that teh Rangers support has almost to a man deserted Clyde and they have some serious serious work to do to fix the show and win back potentially 50% of the listening public.


The threats of Rangers / Rangers supporters setting up their own broadcast to rival them was more real than ever. The power of Follow Follow (no of posts and members) was reminded as a powerful media tool where opinions are formed. A reminder that Douglas Park (a Blue Knight was their main sponsor - IF they can piss off McGuire from Pheonix Honda they had better be caereful with Mr Park and the opinions of the Rangers support towards Clyde.

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I just cant understand the Rangers fans that still listen to this show.


I used to love the shows and listened everyday years ago but the people running the show and the panel are there to promote celtic and put down Rangers.


Oh for Mr Sanderson.

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Ha i'm not that old.


Can just remember him when I first started going to the games some of his put downs were classic. Of course he might have trouble with today's Internet age.


Does show that they must be worried with the drop in listening figures, for them to go to this length.

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If the Rangers support has all but deserted Clyde, is it any wonder that the callers are mainly Celtic fans?


Vicious circle CJ if you push one set of supporters in front of another the other set will leave, so all you have left are the one set of supporters.


I do listen sometimes in the car after we beat them its comedy gold. But it really is just an extension of the Celtic view, the air time they give some of the most bitter of the Tims to spout their lies without any question for facts is unbelievable.

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Vicious circle CJ if you push one set of supporters in front of another the other set will leave, so all you have left are the one set of supporters.


I do listen sometimes in the car after we beat them its comedy gold. But it really is just an extension of the Celtic view, the air time they give some of the most bitter of the Tims to spout their lies without any question for facts is unbelievable.


All the phone-in shows are pretty poor, and not just the Scottish ones.

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