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Radio Clyde and Rangers Supporters

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Interesting to see that they have sought the views of Rangers fans. Whilst those who actually present the show might get wrapped up in their own self-important and green-tinted bubble, the commercial needs of the organisation should see their executives take a more objective view. They have seen our support grow in voice and with a greater sense of purpose in recent times. To ignore that would be silly.

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State broadcasters are the ones who should be answerable to the public.


State-sponsored broadcasters are rarely held accountable because they're designed to be above accountability. It's an extreme dose of Orwellian irony.

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"Were you at the game today caller":yesrfc:


Folks forget, when Radio Snyde began broadcasting in 1973, the football trio were Richard Park(from Kirkcauldy), Jimmy Sanderson, and Bob Crampsey(Ractor of St Ambrose HS in Coatbridge). It was balanced.


As soon as Paul Cooney received a soupcon of authority, balance disappeared.

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I stopped listening to ALL radio phone-ins a long time ago, used to fill most of my time in fact I'd miss a night out with the 'burd' just to listen to it.


Nowadays I have no interest in them whatsoever and frankly can't believe there is even a thread on here about them.


I've been away for a week and this was the 'top of the tree' thread on 'gersnet'?


Let's not get wound up by silly radio programmes who've exhausted themselves with stuff that no-one can possibly be interested in.

My post only helps to keep this thread at the 'top of the tree' and I apologise, please don't reply to it as you'll also pump it up.


Any news on what's going on at Ibrox? If so start another thread, so's I can respond.

Edited by 54andcounting
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Guest Dummiesoot

The problem i have with real radio is that rough and dj are thick as pig shit so a good cohesive discussion never takes place.

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