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Reaction to Lafferty's wedding in a Catholic church

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While I wouldn't step foot in the house of one of the most divisive and backward religions in the world. I have no problem with Laff getting married in one if that's what he wants to do. I just hope he doesn't let his new born attend one of the bigot factory's for their education.

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I don't really have anything to do with religion these days but I agree with Xander that people should not be afraid to say they are Protestant. I do not think that there should be any religious consideration in any decisions in running the club though. Personally I am not really in to the heritage bit where the club is concerned as I am not sure it was set up to be a front for any religious organisation. Every fan has the right to have his own beliefs on the subject though and if they consider it as a part of their heritage then it is fine by me. As long as we all accept and respect everyone's beliefs then we will always have a great support

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Denoting fellow posters ...




... when he's essentially standing up against intolerance. I'll keep that in mind then.


LOL....nice journalist trick of altering the chronology and the context of the quotes to suit an agenda.

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Oh goody, yet another self-appointed moral guardian who shall lead us all down the path of righteousness.


I wouldn't expect you to have any moral standards. You're the type quite happy to see Americans among our players being slagged off for their nationality.

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Danny, I'm struggling to understand why you requested the original thread on this subject be deleted instead of used for debate on the subject and then proceeded to start your own thread on the subject. Ok, so the two OP's are very different, but the subject matter and debate content is pretty much exactly the same.


Because the original thread OP promoted bigotry, this one is condemning it. I hope that clarity is what you want.

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