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Gough - Wouldl Work For Free

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WALTER SMITH is like a father to me.

As Rangers manager heâ??s a total legend with the fans. The guy who led the club to nine-in-a-row.


Now, hopefully, heâ??s the man who is going to help lead us out of the hell weâ??re in right now.


He canâ??t stop liquidation. Itâ??s far too late for that.


What Smith can do is win the trust of the fans. He can make us all believe there is a future for Gers.


I saw the comments of my old team-mate Brian Laudrup in SunSport. He was bang on saying he would come back and work for free if Ally McCoist wanted him to.


Thereâ??s not a single player who worked under Smith who wouldnâ??t do the same. Laudrup was saying what we all feel.


I sent Coisty a text telling him if he needs anything, just to let me know.


If he wants me to come back and work for free Iâ??ll happily do it.


Most of us from that era would be willing to come back and work for nothing.


If Rangers canâ??t afford to pay people once the newco is up and running, thatâ??s what we would do.


Iâ??d come back and work for nothing, especially if Walter is in charge.


Most players who have played under Smith would do anything for him. Thereâ??s huge respect for him, so itâ??s not a surprise we would want to go that extra mile.


That sums up everything about the influence of Smith.


If he can take control at Ibrox, everything heâ??s achieved in the past will pale into insignificance.


Hopefully, his consortium will cut Charles Green a nice little cheque, so we have proper Rangers men in control of the club, although we are not quite singing and dancing yet.


But we finally have someone with the best interests of Gers at heart who wants to take over.


I trust Wattie and the fans trust him. He would not put his name to something that was not spot on.


Iâ??ve known Smith since I was 17 and playing for Dundee United.


He was the first person I bumped into when I got into Scottish football. He used to pick me up and take me to training.


For me he is a top man. He is honest and full of integrity. People trust him. Smithâ??s been like a father figure to me. Any problems Iâ??ve ever had heâ??s been able to help.


He is already a legend, but if he pulls this off it will be great news.


Letâ??s not forget we have been kicked from pillar to post over the last few months. But whatever people think of the situation Gers find themselves in, thereâ??s not many people who have a bad word to say about Smith.


The first thing he will do is improve the PR around Ibrox. That side of things has been a shambles in the last few months.


Thereâ??s been no one to fight Rangersâ?? corner. The only person who has stuck his head on the block is Coisty.


Thereâ??s been no chief executive or PR figure to deal with the criticism getting thrown at us.


Yes, Rangers have done wrong. Yes, we deserve to be punished.


But it was the people in charge who brought this upon us. You canâ??t punish everyone for the actions of a few. There were mistakes made at the very top of the company which was wrong.


At least if Walter is in charge there will be an element of trust.


People will trust that heâ??s paying the taxes when they are due.


If the local shop-keeper needs paid, heâ??ll pay them.


I also think Smith is the best person to deal with whatever scenario unfolds for Rangers.


Heâ??ll take it on the chin and lead us through it. If we need to start in the Third Division, if thatâ??s how the vote goes, then fine.


Iâ??m sure Smith would accept thatâ??s the cards heâ??s been dealt and the hand has to be played.


With him behind the scenes, we will come again, I am absolutely convinced of that.


I would be a lot more comfortable having him in charge of everything.


There would be such a groundswell of support, new Rangers would fly through the divisions. Unless thereâ??s a massive shift in opinion, it seems thatâ??s what the other clubs want. They want to send us down.


I think itâ??s unfair to damage Rangers, but ultimately they have broken the rules.


If thatâ??s the punishment facing us, fair enough.


No one can take history away from us. All we can do is rebuild and make sure the same mistakes arenâ??t made.


I donâ??t think Coisty was ever going to walk away. Heâ??s a bigger legend now than when he played because of the way heâ??s kept Gers together.


The restraint heâ??s shown has been tremendous. Heâ??s been given no help or backing over this situation. It has been horrendous for him.


Jim McCollâ??s got all the money, so that canâ??t be bad. Thatâ??s the sort of people Rangers want.


I donâ??t know Green from a bar of soap. But my view is heâ??s made of straw. As far as I can tell he hasnâ??t put up one cent of his own money and heâ??s been holding out and not telling people who his investors are.


You canâ??t get away with that. How Duff & Phelps let him get away with that I donâ??t know.


I just wish Smith had got his consortium together a few months ago.


Maybe thatâ??s simply shrewd business minds at work.


The main thing now is Walter gets the chance to take over at Ibrox and we start looking to the future.




Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scot...#ixzz1xomhVvLp

Edited by ian1964
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