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Leggat - BIGOTS Who Hate Rangers Will Kill SPL

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EVEN though theyâ??ve been singing the song about no one liking them for years, it is only now Rangers supporters can fully appreciate just how hated and detested their club is.


In fact, it is hated so much by the nation at large, there are supporters of other clubs who are quite prepared to see the teams they say they support go bust just so they can punish Rangers.


It is extraordinary how deep rooted and bilious the hatred of Rangers throughout Scotland is.


And how it shames Scotland. As a sporting nation and as a nation.


It would be interesting to hear what first minister Alex Salmond, as a Hearts fan, thinks of the stance mad Vlad is taking on behalf of the Tynecastle club


Does wee Eck agree, it shames Scotland that there are tens of thousands who are willing to say they hate Rangers more than they love the club they support?


But right now Salmond looks to be too feart to say anything about the festering hatred of Rangers which is sweeping the length and breadth of Scotland


Take Motherwell fans as a classic example.


They are ramping up the pressure on the Fir Park clubâ??s directors to vote no to Rangers as a NewCo being admitted to the Scottish Premier League.


And they say they will boycott their own club if Motherwell vote Rangers in.


Yet the men in the boardroom at Fir Park have done their sums and have gone public with the fact that that those bitter and twisted people in Lanarkshire have jammed Motherwell between a rock and a hard place.


And left Motherwell directors in a lose-lose situation.


If they vote to keep Rangers out of the Scottish Premier League, the money which goes from the SPL with the Ibrox clubâ??s departure from the scene, means that Motherwell will go bust.


Vote to keep Rangers in the Scottish Premier League and if Motherwell supporters follow up with their threat of a boycott, then Motherwell will go bust.


Therefore, it is clear, Motherwell do not have people who support Motherwell. Motherwell are merely a football team, a club, those who hate Rangers can use as a vehicle to express their hatred.


And the hatred does not stop in the ranks of the Scottish Premier League either.


Let me introduce you to a woman, so wrapped up in her bigotry, so engulfed in her hatred of Rangers and so swathed in her bitterness that she does not give a hoot for the club she claims she supports, Partick Thistle.


Her name is Morag McHaffie and she is the chairwoman of the Jags Trust.


She has gone public with her demand that those who support Thistle should stop going to Firhill should Rangers be parachuted into the First Division.


I wonder what the ghost of all the great Rangers men who have contributed to Thistleâ??s history would make of that, were they still around. Has this McHaffie woman ever heard of Ibrox greats Davie Meiklejohn and Willie Thornton who were so successful when they managed the Jags?


The last few months has seen Thistle lose the income from rugby lodgers, plus the much needed money from their shirt sponsors who went bust.


Now Morag McHaffie wants to rob Partick Thistle of income from gate receipts. And sacrifice the Maryhill Magyars on the alter of her hatred.


What a wicked, warped wumman!


But that is the way it is in this small, dark, bitter and twisted wee country of Scotland. A nation where there are no penalties to be paid for hating Rangers.


Other than for that hatred, that vindictive twisted bigotry, to kill off Scottish football.


Rangers supporters have spoken about their desire to leave the Scottish Premier League and start again from the bottom. And that is what the SPL bigots and other short sighted bigots, such as Morag McHaffie, want.


There is, though, a fault in their strategy. And it may well be this.


By the time Rangers climb out of the Third Division, and through the Second and First Divisions, the reconstruction that has been talked about for years may well have been forced on the top flight.


With the Scottish Premier Leagueâ??s membership halved. Six clubs could go to the wall in the next three seasons.


And all because of a vicious, vindictive, bitter, bilious, bigoted vendetta from people who hate Rangers more than they love their own clubs.


Scottish football is on the brink of being butchered on a medieval sacrificial alter of dark superstition and hatred.


A hatred of Rangers.






WELL known liar Charles Green has a cheek calling anyone dishonest and greedy.


I made the point recently that if Charles Green remained in charge at Ibrox there would be a mass exodus of players.


That is because they believe, under Charles Green, Rangers are on the brink of going bust again.


In fact, Charles Green the proven liar, may manage in weeks what it took conman Craig Whyte months to achieve.


Rangers are back in financial trouble.


That's the bad news for their fans. The very bad news.


However, Charles Green's short lived and shambolic reign is coming to an end.


That's the good news for those supporters. The very, very, very good news.

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I think most people are assuming they are. Big difference from talking about it and actually doing it.


FWIW though, I think McColl et al will take over. I don't think Green can survive the uncertainty.

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We have brought alot of this on imo, the hate. I have hated this pish nobody likes us we dont care stuff. We have allowed a small amount of fundamentalist (sp) over the years to ruin our club. The same lot are obsessed with hateing celtic more than supporting Rangers.

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Guest bluebell12
I think most people are assuming they are. Big difference from talking about it and actually doing it.


FWIW though, I think McColl et al will take over. I don't think Green can survive the uncertainty.


Lets hope they do as we fans have been put through enough. Just want to see some football again.

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We have brought alot of this on imo, the hate. I have hated this pish nobody likes us we dont care stuff. We have allowed a small amount of fundamentalist (sp) over the years to ruin our club. The same lot are obsessed with hateing celtic more than supporting Rangers.


Im a united fan. Just being upfront and honest with you guys. :) I only registered to make a comment about CumbernauldGers post. Ive followed this debacle with Rangers quite closely since they went into administration and i have to say in all that time i have never heard anyone say what he has said. What he said sums it up for me and is the reason every football of the other clubs hate rangers. There has never been an attempt at an apology for the years of bile that came from Rangers, no apology for the way the rode roughshod over football and this mentality that they are so much better than everyone else still permeates from most Rangers fans and its the sole reason so many fans hate your club. If they had been a bit more aopolgetic and contrite about this whole situation i think you may have seen a different reaction form other fans and they wouldnt have been so quick to demand Rangers be kicked out of the league.


You're right about Celtic fans, i have one mate who is a big Celitc fan and after they won the league this year i asked him why he seemed to celebrate the fact that Rangers hadnt won the league more than the fact that Celtic won it!! And he couldnt answer me. I told him i have been left with such a vile taste for scottish football from the fact that rangers and celtic fans celebrate the other half not winning more than they do their own team winning, they have lost the concept of what football is all about.

On another point i genuinely worry for the decent Rangers fans as i genuinely believe Green will sell Ibrox and the training ground and will put the newco into administration by christmas. i hope im worng but i dont think i am.

Anyway, just wanted to say well done to cumbernauld for not being a bigot and a knuckledragger and seeing the bigger picture. Its refreshing to know that not all Rangers fans are idiots.

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Im a united fan. Just being upfront and honest with you guys. :) I only registered to make a comment about CumbernauldGers post. Ive followed this debacle with Rangers quite closely since they went into administration and i have to say in all that time i have never heard anyone say what he has said. What he said sums it up for me and is the reason every football of the other clubs hate rangers. There has never been an attempt at an apology for the years of bile that came from Rangers, no apology for the way the rode roughshod over football and this mentality that they are so much better than everyone else still permeates from most Rangers fans and its the sole reason so many fans hate your club. If they had been a bit more aopolgetic and contrite about this whole situation i think you may have seen a different reaction form other fans and they wouldnt have been so quick to demand Rangers be kicked out of the league.


You're right about Celtic fans, i have one mate who is a big Celitc fan and after they won the league this year i asked him why he seemed to celebrate the fact that Rangers hadnt won the league more than the fact that Celtic won it!! And he couldnt answer me. I told him i have been left with such a vile taste for scottish football from the fact that rangers and celtic fans celebrate the other half not winning more than they do their own team winning, they have lost the concept of what football is all about.

On another point i genuinely worry for the decent Rangers fans as i genuinely believe Green will sell Ibrox and the training ground and will put the newco into administration by christmas. i hope im worng but i dont think i am.

Anyway, just wanted to say well done to cumbernauld for not being a bigot and a knuckledragger and seeing the bigger picture. Its refreshing to know that not all Rangers fans are idiots.


Stick around long enough richie and you will see that this forum, on its own, has plenty of decent, non-bigotted, sensible Rangers fans.


And, in fact, there has been a fair amount of humility over what has happened - but what we generally have a distaste for is the excessive punishment that deems to need to be met out given it wasnt the fans who had these actions.


Also, the completely farcical "sporting integrity" tagline that is getting trotted out at will these days is galling for us. Lest we forget instances in recent past such as the manipulation by Celtic of Phil O Donnell's tragic death and the mysterious tour of Japan that is now 4 years in the making.


Scottish football is at the precipice my friend. Rangers custodians certainly take a fair amount of resopnsibility for that and we, the fans, are taking it on the chin as we have no option - I personally think that Division 1 is a decent compromise - but the fans of most other clubs are going to make decisions which could very well be the death of the professional game in Scotland.


And you know what will happen when that happens ? Everyone will blame Rangers. But they will be wrong. RFC are trying to defend their position in the SPL for financial reasons (it is the only way Charles Green will make money, by being in the SPL) but we (Rangers) will not be the ones who make the decision to throw us out. It will be the chairmen, after consulting with their own fans, of the other clubs which do so.


Regardless of which team you support in Scotland, this is a catastrophic mess which is killing the game in the country. We ALL, every single one of us, should be feeling deeply sad about that fact. But I have a feeling that many fans of other clubs will still find an element of joy in being able to celebrate the demise of Rangers, even if it means the game in Scotland becomes no better than the Irish or Welsh leagues.


Sad, sad times indeed.

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Im a united fan. Just being upfront and honest with you guys. :) I only registered to make a comment about CumbernauldGers post. Ive followed this debacle with Rangers quite closely since they went into administration and i have to say in all that time i have never heard anyone say what he has said. What he said sums it up for me and is the reason every football of the other clubs hate rangers. There has never been an attempt at an apology for the years of bile that came from Rangers, no apology for the way the rode roughshod over football and this mentality that they are so much better than everyone else still permeates from most Rangers fans and its the sole reason so many fans hate your club. If they had been a bit more aopolgetic and contrite about this whole situation i think you may have seen a different reaction form other fans and they wouldnt have been so quick to demand Rangers be kicked out of the league.


You're right about Celtic fans, i have one mate who is a big Celitc fan and after they won the league this year i asked him why he seemed to celebrate the fact that Rangers hadnt won the league more than the fact that Celtic won it!! And he couldnt answer me. I told him i have been left with such a vile taste for scottish football from the fact that rangers and celtic fans celebrate the other half not winning more than they do their own team winning, they have lost the concept of what football is all about.

On another point i genuinely worry for the decent Rangers fans as i genuinely believe Green will sell Ibrox and the training ground and will put the newco into administration by christmas. i hope im worng but i dont think i am.

Anyway, just wanted to say well done to cumbernauld for not being a bigot and a knuckledragger and seeing the bigger picture. Its refreshing to know that not all Rangers fans are idiots.


Tell you what Richie when the Arab trust apologies for the years of calling me a Hun when they claim we are the bigots, I might and I mean just might bend over and kiss your arse like you want me too.

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Stick around long enough richie and you will see that this forum, on its own, has plenty of decent, non-bigotted, sensible Rangers fans.


And, in fact, there has been a fair amount of humility over what has happened - but what we generally have a distaste for is the excessive punishment that deems to need to be met out given it wasnt the fans who had these actions.


Also, the completely farcical "sporting integrity" tagline that is getting trotted out at will these days is galling for us. Lest we forget instances in recent past such as the manipulation by Celtic of Phil O Donnell's tragic death and the mysterious tour of Japan that is now 4 years in the making.


Scottish football is at the precipice my friend. Rangers custodians certainly take a fair amount of resopnsibility for that and we, the fans, are taking it on the chin as we have no option - I personally think that Division 1 is a decent compromise - but the fans of most other clubs are going to make decisions which could very well be the death of the professional game in Scotland.


And you know what will happen when that happens ? Everyone will blame Rangers. But they will be wrong. RFC are trying to defend their position in the SPL for financial reasons (it is the only way Charles Green will make money, by being in the SPL) but we (Rangers) will not be the ones who make the decision to throw us out. It will be the chairmen, after consulting with their own fans, of the other clubs which do so.


Regardless of which team you support in Scotland, this is a catastrophic mess which is killing the game in the country. We ALL, every single one of us, should be feeling deeply sad about that fact. But I have a feeling that many fans of other clubs will still find an element of joy in being able to celebrate the demise of Rangers, even if it means the game in Scotland becomes no better than the Irish or Welsh leagues.


Sad, sad times indeed.


I feel a compromise would be the 2nd divison. As a newco the rules state clearly that you should apply for the 3rd division only. Thats what any newco must do. So to be parachuted into the 1st division is wrong in so many ways. (ethically, morally and lawfully) If the rules are going to be bent to accomodate a newco with no history and no accounts,while trying to make sure other clubs dont suffer too much financial hardship and keeping sky at the table, not to mention appeasing the fans of other clubs l then i feel it has to be the 2nd division. I personally dont agree with it and feel the rules are the rules and therefore the newco should be in the 3rd division, however i can also see the bigger picture and would reluctantly accept a move to the 2nd division.

I dont agree its catastrophic for the game in this country. If this handled right and the right league system,the appropriate financial sharing is brought in andthe voting sytem is changed, i feel 10 years from now it will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to this countrys football. And i include Rangers in that,or whatever they will be called by then, as they will be back to full strength long before then too.

Sorry to say this but it is in no way the death of scottish football, i remember a time pre David Murray in the 80s when Rangers got 4 thousand fans at a home game against Partick Thistle, were not taking huge numbers to away games and were contstantly finishing 3rd of 4th in the league. And scottish football probably had it best period since the 60s. United and aberdeen(hearts for a year or 2 as well) were challenging Celtic for the league while winning both the league cup and scottish cup and there was a 5 or 6 year period where Scottish teams were challenging year in and year out quarter finals,semi finals and even finals of european cups. Then David Murray came with his spend a fiver and we will spend a tenner mentality, Sky came in with their money and a the old firm got the 11-1 vote rig through and scottish football was brought to its knees. To the extent our two best teams now cant get in the champions league group stages nevermind semi finals of that competition.

So no scottish football will not die because rangers arent there, and it may well just come out this and flourish. And i genuinely hope Rangers are back in a spl premier league in a few years that is stronger, more competitive and maybe just maybe have teams enjoying european success again on a meaningful scale.

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