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Direct Debits have been reinstated by a company called Fastpay Ltd. Check your bank

Guest bluebell12

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Could it simply be a communication breakdown???


RFC/Sevco supplied the list of DD's to Fastpay before the folk cancelled the DD's. These cancellations may not have been passed to or processed Fastpay (in time, or at all).


It is possible that the folk who had cancelled had spotted the DD's before Fastpay had a chance to push through updates etc.


It may possibly be another mountain out of a mole hill.


That's my take on mate it's not the best business practice in the world but Fastpay aren't alone in being at it when it comes to DD.


Couldn't bring myself to cancel my DD the look of horror on my wee ones faces when I mentioned it was enough to stay my hand, of course getting called lower than a Taig on FF for renewing also had a bit to do with it.

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They were writing as a I wrote ...


AS a result of the changes at the club, there are new arrangements in place for the collection of season ticket Direct Debit payments.


All season tickets which were paid by Direct Debit last year were automatically lodged again as they are held in one batch. This does NOT take payment and merely sets up the instruction for the full batch.


As season holders have advised us that they wish to cancel their Direct Debit, their seat is cancelled in our ticketing system and when the payment instruction runs to take payment, all those who have advised the club of their wish to cancel will be excluded from the payment run.


Emails and web copy will be published today which advises season holders who paid by Direct Debit that the first payment will be taken on July 6.


Whilst we appreciate that this is far from an ideal situation, we hope that all our season ticket holders recognise the extreme circumstances under which we are currently operating and would ask for your continued patience.


Any season ticket holder seeking additional clarification should call Supporter Services on 0871 702 1972.


Essentially, the DD were simply renewed, but once you cancel your season ticket, nothing will be charged. It is, thus, essentially nothing more than a technicality.

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AS a result of the changes at the club, there are new arrangements in place for the collection of season ticket Direct Debit payments.


All season tickets which were paid by Direct Debit last year were automatically lodged again as they are held in one batch. This does NOT take payment and merely sets up the instruction for the full batch.


As season holders have advised us that they wish to cancel their Direct Debit, their seat is cancelled in our ticketing system and when the payment instruction runs to take payment, all those who have advised the club of their wish to cancel will be excluded from the payment run.








Emails and web copy will be published today which advises season holders who paid by Direct Debit that the first payment will be taken on July 6.


Whilst we appreciate that this is far from an ideal situation, we hope that all our season ticket holders recognise that the current transition period is challenging operationally and would ask for your continued patience.


Any season ticket holder seeking additional clarification should call Supporter Services on 0871 702 1972.


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i didnt cancel my seats though, i asked for the payments to be taken from a different acct as i dont have wages paid into old acct now. they emailed yest saying theyd cancelled and re-set up with new details. So will they try and take money from both accts now?

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