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Ron Scott â?? The Voice of Experience â?? Sunday Post - July1 2012

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Ron Scott â?? The Voice of Experience â?? Sunday Post - July1 2012


"The way the Scottish football authorities have allowed the Rangers scenario to unravel is nothing short of disgraceful.


The whole sorry episode should have been nipped in the bud.


Instead we're now in the situation where it's not just the survival of Rangers that's at stake, but the Scottish game itself.


As the fans and clubs become hysterical about how the Light Blues should be punished, it's worth remembering the Ibrox club has done nothing unlawful.


Employment Benefit Trusts are legal. That's why HMRC wants to close this particular loophole.

Informed sources suggest, at worst, Rangers will receive fine, and there appears no danger of having to pay back-tax on the system Sir David Murray implemented.


The SFA then decided to impose severe sanctions on Rangers after awakening to the fact that Craig Whyte was not a fit and proper person to own the club.


Yet the independent Ibrox board set up to look into Whyte while he was still negotiating with Murray decided themselves that [he] wasn't fit and proper to own the club.

They told the SFA that at least fifteen months ago, but the powers-that-be decided in their wisdom to take no action at that time.


Now the situation is like a runaway train full of explosives that's about to be derailed and blow up the whole of Scottish football.


Let's face the obvious here. Not even Celtic will be able to sustain their present level for long without Rangers.

So if they end up having to make cuts, how is the rest of Scottish football going to survive?


There are already whispers that other SPL clubs will be forced into administration.

There is even talk of part-time football at the highest level, never mind the First Division.


It's all very well to bleat on about sporting integrity. But why risk the entire future of Scottish football especially when the facts clearly show Rangers have done nothing wrong !

At the end of the day, the main villan of the piece remains Whyte, with Murray a close second.


It's totally wrong to run the risk of losing Rangers altogether and sending down the entire game with them.

It is especially wrong when the facts show there is absolutely no need for the authoeities to treat Rangers the way they appear hell-bent on doing."

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It's only fair to point out that is has taken the imminent collapse of the game in this country for them to come to this conclusion. Not as if many have been pointing out the blindingly obvious from the word go.

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