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John Brown's Bid for Rangers

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I think people should cut him a little slack and see what he can come up with.


c greens been very clear about the fact he's here to make a profit and get out.


someone needs to take over and driving away a rangers man who has backers would be daft. assuming he does.

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I think people should cut him a little slack and see what he can come up with.


c greens been very clear about the fact he's here to make a profit and get out.


someone needs to take over and driving away a rangers man who has backers would be daft. assuming he does.


Yeah that is fair enough but stop talking about what you're going to do and just do it. Tell us afterwards when you have the keys what your plans are. I don't care how many meetings he has had doesn't mean he is getting anywhere fast and I certainly don't care for his woeful metaphors.

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I think people should cut him a little slack and see what he can come up with.


c greens been very clear about the fact he's here to make a profit and get out.


someone needs to take over and driving away a rangers man who has backers would be daft. assuming he does.


Come on mate can we stop the Rangers man bit, this means fuck all. I'm a Rangers man and i would prob run the club into the ground buying players. It means nothing.


As for the backers, ha ha good one.

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I think people should cut him a little slack and see what he can come up with.


c greens been very clear about the fact he's here to make a profit and get out.


someone needs to take over and driving away a rangers man who has backers would be daft. assuming he does.


Fantasy Island

All we ever dreamed of

True Love

Holding us together


Sorry but that's how I feel about Rangers men taking over.

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I think we need to get behind Charles Green now. He is the only 1 who stumped up any money. I couldn't care less if he is only in this to make money. He has been open and honest about that. McCann said the same when took over at Celtic and when he left he them with a fairly successful business model.


John Brown while I loved him as a player and yes he is a Rangers man. He really isn't helping at the moment. He is dividing the support at a time when we should be more united than ever.


Walter Smith, McColl and co all walked when the saw Charles Greens' plans which suggests to me they must hold up. Otherwise why did they walk?


I will say Charles Green could do with being a bit more open about certain things. i.e. the issues with season tickets

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I think people should cut him a little slack and see what he can come up with.


c greens been very clear about the fact he's here to make a profit and get out.


someone needs to take over and driving away a rangers man who has backers would be daft. assuming he does.


We seem to be getting mixed up here with the CEO(Green), & the shareholders (Sevco & others) none of them have said they are in for a quick kill. Green has said he's here till the floatation then he's taking his share/bonus and away so why the hurry to get him out, when he goes the original investors will still be there. If these Rangers men want him away, invest get on the board and lobby to have him removed its that simple. If they have the money he says they have invest it in Rangers it would give them control of the board Green away simple.


Or shut up let them get on with the job at hand then show us your money come floatation, I wonder how many of these Rangers men will put their hand in their pocket at that time not bloody many going by past experience

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