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Fixtures mayhem seems a cert now

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SPL and SFL chiefs are facing the prospect of RE-DRAWING the entire fixture list two weeks before the season starts.


The nightmare scenario has already been flagged up to the SFL by a member of their Board.


It has come about because if Ally McCoistâ??s side go into Division One and Dundee take their place in the SPL, there will be derby fixture conflict.


If Gers take over Dundeeâ??s fixtures, they will be scheduled to play at home the same time as Celtic are at Parkhead â?? which cops wonâ??t agree to.


Similarly, if Dundee are voted into the SPL as Team 12, there are times when theyâ??re down to play at home while Dundee United are at Tannadice â?? which again will be vetoed by Tayside cops.


In all, there are 13 weekends when there is conflict, either in Glasgow or Dundee.


The Old Firm would be scheduled to both be at home seven times, with the Dundee clubs scheduled to play home games together on six occasions.


First potential problem would be on Sep 1, when Celtic face Hibs and Rangers could meet Cowdenbeath at Ibrox in Div 1.


One SFL insider admitted: â??Itâ??s exactly the kind of scenario that both the SPL and the SFL DONâ??T need at the moment.


â??Itâ??s already been brought to the SFLâ??s attention and the likely scenario is that the entire fixture list will need to be re-drawn.â?


If Rangers go into Division Three, there would be only three fixture clashes with Celtic.


The first would also be on Sep 1, when Rangers â?? who would take over Stranraerâ??s fixtures â?? would be at home to Elgin.



Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4422507/Fixtures-mayhem-seems-a-cert-now.html#ixzz20GWrRMRM

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