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Rangers Football Club PLC is yet another example of bad legislation. The club is one of the oldest in football history and since 1872 has led the innovations of international football.


In 1899 they were incorporated into a Limited Liability Company and ultimately transferred into a public limited company.


In less than a year that Craig Whyte â??ownedâ?? the club a once successful team has now been relegated to Division 3 of an already obscure Scottish Football system.


It is a grave error that will cost many Scottish Clubs dearly and place new conditions on the powerful media barons into drip feeding Scottish Football per se of much needed revenue.


Our investigation into Rangers Football Club PLC has unveiled corruption, and massive fraud, at the highest level involving directly lawyers, businessmen, bankers, auditors, sporting figures, football officials, and indirectly those who knew what was happening but stood idle by and did nothing. T


hose include members of the SPL, the SFA and even HMRC.


According to our deep rooted investigation Rangers Football Club PLC was not insolvent when Craig Whyte made the decision to place the company in administration.


In less than a year over £50,000,000 was misappropriated by ever willing bankers, lawyers, and auditors all who had an interest in applying a policy of impotence or what is known in the trade as the three monkeys.


Why did Craig Whyte elect to place a company that had millions in the bank in Administration? Our expose answers that truly important question in one word:-blackmail!


Fear is the fuel of blackmailers and around Craig Whyte there was a whole refinery of fuel.


His answer was simply to adopt the policy of â??pay and defrayâ?? which ultimately could not be sustained.


It is of course true that much of the supposed liabilities of Rangers Football Club PLC were created before the dramatic entrance of Craig Whyat.


The role played by Lloyds Bank PLC in permitting millions of pounds of income into the â??wrong accountâ?? is a matter that will certainly attract potential criminal sanctions and civil proceedings.


The unluckiest day is not necessarily today for Anton Ferdinand or Rangers who prima facia appear to be the losers.


As for Rangers the unlucky ones may well be the very clubs that have voted with malice and simply because this was their chance to extract revenge off the field when it had been impossible on the field for the past 50 years plus.


There is always the sense of the little guy having his day but it will be a pyrrhic victory as those clubs will find to their cost.


Sky has already stated that television rights have to be renegotiated. Anyone that knows the moods of Rupert Murdoch any renegotiation is always to the advantage of his companies.


And what, as in the case of Marseille, will happen when it is ultimately found that Rangers were not insolvent after all and that they were innocent victims?


It will be a lawyers field day since all the SFL Clubs that destined Rangers to the lower division may well face a claim in damages.


That judicial tremor will also be felt by the SPL and the SFA who are at the end of the day also corporate bodies and their books had better balance.


Over the coming days we will release the full expose into the fraud perpetrated upon an icon of an international sporting namely Rangers Football Club and denounce in the Emile Zola style â??Jâ??ACCUSE.â?

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Guest Dutchy

One thing he is correct about though is that all this came about due to the impatience of the bank.


These companies have been steadily ruining the world economy between them and they've been getting away with it for so long, it's now common practice to threaten and bully their clients. The people they've made all their bonus paying wealth from.

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