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st mirren chairman blasts the sfl

Guest sergi

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I have been out all day and my oh my has that statement put a smile on my face. Could there ever be a more clearer indication of turkeys voting for Christmas lol.


Imagine pushing sporting integrity then hoping the sfl would do their dirty work for them. Get it round you, hopefully a new Asda will be popping up soon.

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If they were tat concerned, they could have accepted us back in and then relegated us.


The chairmen abdicated their responsibilities and any who now complain about it should consider resigning as they failed in looking after their club.


Our situation has exposed major flaws in the systems and processes of both the SPL and the SFA and it seems they're hell bent in punishing us for their failings as well as our own.


How hard would it have been for the SPL to call an EGM and adopt a suitable process for a club being liquidated, say a penalty of relegation by one division?

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I feel a sense of liberation, free from the shackles and stinking cesspit of the SPL. The SFL is a breath of fresh air and a new era for us, a place where people will appreciate what we as a club and support bring to the table. You only need to read the Forfar statement to see the contrast between SFL clubs attitudes and the rotten poisonous bile that comes from the SPL . That St Midden statement only reinforces my mindset that we have landed in a better place, where we can prosper and strive to be the best we can free from tyranny.


Hopefully by the time we are ready to take the step back into the top division knobheads like Regan and Doncaster have moved on, the SPL have been shamed and confined to history, and 1 ruling body controls all 42 clubs. Or however many clubs are left .

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